I'm not even going to say it...Ok I will. I'm the worst at this! I always get so overwhelmed because I have so much to catch up on and I don't know where to start. So I'm going to do my favorite little bullet points in an attempt to quickly get up to speed. I'll do one all about Gaveys and the next about our family updates. Thennn hopefully I'll feel caught up and ready to jump into this again. I love going back and reading what happened in the last year, and at this rate I will have nothing. Yikes!
What's new with you Gavey?!
- You are a jabberwokke. As in you don't stop talking and I LOVE it!! Seriously SO freaking cute! My favorite thing is every morning when you wake up and come downstairs you say, "I need Coffeeeee Momma" Then I say "Gavey are you sure you want Coffee?" and you say "I silly Momma". Yes you are! You are a silly little guy. You love to laugh, play jokes and just be a little goofy goofer. You also sometimes refer to yourself in the 3rd person "Gavey wants to watch Thomas pease". Adorable! And you even called daddy "Bryan" and mommy "Dorelle..or more like "Drell" a couple times. Please don't do that. I'm already self conscious people think I'm your nanny and if you call me by my first name it will confirm it in some people's minds.
How did you get your Owwie?! Let's ask Daddy... |
- You can count! We actually discovered this a little over a month ago, but when I say "one" you said "two" and we took turns all the way to 10! You love counting especially your food and your cars. You line everything up and say "one, two, tree, foh, five..." You're a genius. I will call it now.
You still haven't quite figured out how to ride in a car yet though... |
- You are border line obsessed, probably to the point where it's unhealthy, which Thomas the train. ahhh. We now have your Geotrax taking up my living room, and you're on your way to having a little wooden Thomas the Train collection. Well Stephen and Juliette got you started with your first wooden thomas, tunnel and tracks, and Santa might help add to that this year. If you're good! ;)
Your favorite toy...which now takes up half of my living room floor thanks to you and your dad's new obsession. |
- You were sick, as in really sick for the first time ever last week and it was heartbreaking. You've had little sniffles and coughs here and there but this time you had a fever. Ugh. I think this is the first fever you've ever had and it was so hard on momma. We spent the whole week doing nothing but snuggling, and cuddling. You slept constantly, and had no appetite or energy. The only thing you wanted was "fresha" (your word for water which I Love!! "I want fresha pease momma!", and CooCoo's which is your weakness...Cookies!" So you my little lovey got all the CooCoos and popsicles (freezies) that you wanted. Thankfully you kicked it by the weekend and your back with Stephanie today!
Poor little sleepy guy |
You love your sweets!! Uh-oh
- I don't know if I mentioned this before but Stephanie now watches you at daycare and we honestly couldn't be happier. She used to watch you in the nursery at Riv, and daddy and mommy know Bob from the welcome team. He also is a teacher in DeWitt and the football coach, so they are definitly such great people. You can feel the love when you walk in the room, and it's way better than that horrible place you went to before. Ugh. Don't even get me started. I will not recommend them to anyone. Ever. Now I couldn't be happier and I have such peace about where you are. It's the best feeling ever. You also love Tommy and Drew, Neena's friends little twins! This morning you said, "Bye momma, go see Tommy". Ha! Tommy better not be moving up in the ranks over momma, K?!
- You're still off the charts in terms of your height and you weight around 27-28 lbs... I think we can even sneak you into the MAC tot watch tomorrow as a 2 year old because you're such a big guy. Woo Hoo! Everyone is always impressed when they hear your real age because they always think you're older because of your size and how chatty you are. It's cute but don't get to grown up on me because I want you to stay my little baby BFF forever.
Helping mommy make you MORE cookies! |
- Your favorite pastime is riding along with momma and daddy at night checking out the Christmas lights. You always get so excited and say "OOOH Lighhhhts! Wowww!". I am now officially that person who drives around DeWitt Light Watching. I'm old.
I'm sure I'm missing so much but these are the major fun highlights for now. I promise to try my best to keep this up to date because I still have dreams of printing this off for you at some point so you can always go back and see what you're up to and when.
I love you so so so much little guy. In the wake of this horrible tragedy in CT it makes me look at you and want to hold you so tight and never let go of you. I want to protect you from everything. All of the evil in the world, but I know I won't always be able to do that. I want you to stay innocent forever, always see the good in people, and know that no matter what your mom and dad love you way more than you will ever be able to comprehend. I can't imagine my life without you. You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me and for that I am so thankful and blessed. I love you Gavey.
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