Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Living for the Weekend!

Wow two posts in one day!!! Ok well not really considering I wrote the other one last week, but let's count it so I feel like it's a record.

I should probably be working right now but ugh I need a break. Gavin's fast asleep, and Bryan's sitting here totally enthralled with Monsters Vs. Aliens. The sad thing is he's ALWAYS watching it!! Do you know how many shows I have on the DVR that I've been waiting to watch once the little boo is in bed, and now I'm sitting here watching this movie for the 100th time. I'm a freak and don't let him watch it when Gavman is around. I'm the crazy mom who will try to keep her kid from watching TV until he's 2 but I'm sure this rule will go away once I'm trying to get work done, relax, or have peace and quiet and he's old enough to watch TV. Let's hope not, but I can weak when it comes to things.

So we had the BEST weekend Ever. Loved it. We went home to New York and got to see my gram!! Aww she's so great. Gavin seriously is so in love with her, it's the sweetest thing ever. When he woke up and I took him out to see her he breaks out in the biggest smile, and does that every time he sees her. It was so adorable and made her so happy. Ah! Love it! We did so much while we were home. We had dinner with Brian and Tricia and our 5th little wheel Carebear. Ha kidding. Although she doesn't even know what a blog is, she'll probably never read it. The funniest thing ever was Bryan taking her phone bc she wanted a pic of her and Gavs, and he posted it to her FB and wrote, "Hey Everyone! I just adopted a baby boy from Russia. I'm so happy! He's perfect and his american name is Robbie". Hahahaaaa. Seriously all of these people started commenting right away about how wonderful that was, and God Bless her, etc and she had no idea how to delete it or comment back. Ohhh Brybear. The sad thing is my baby is white enough to be believed he is from Russia!! Our little caucasian babyyy. We also went to Spragues, my favorite restaurant ever, well maybe not ever but it's up there and then went to see my Aunt Bev. Gav man was a little show off for her, laughing, rolling everywhere, and doing his little creep. So cute!

For the record, the only reason you're wearing Spongebob is because we were in the privacy of gram's home and you are a roly poly oly now so I though you needed a compfy outfit.
Gavin isn't a fan of the Buckeyes Brian... He's our little Spartan!!
Gav you are getting SO big!! In the last couple of weeks you went from rocking on your hands and knees to rocking, and then throwing yourself forward and creeping! You will be a full fledged crawler so soon and I'm dreading it. You are already so hard to keep track of Mr. Rolly pants and Creepersneaker, but now it's about to get crazzzzy. Yikes. I'm not sure I'm ready for this :( I miss being able to put you on your play mat and you would just chill. Oh no, not anymore. You creep after everything, and end up all over the floor. Aww and you got your first little Ouchie this weekend at grams! I wasn't paying attention and you creeped your way into the bathroom, while up on your hands and knees you fell face first on to the floor. Poor babe! You got a huge red mark on your forehead and you screamed I felt SO SO SO bad. Your dad and I planned on acting tough whenever you get hurt so you don't turn into a little weak crybaby but nope. Totally not how it's going to be. I was almost in tears because I felt responisble and so sad that you were in pain. Ha. what is wrong with me?! Can we still blame it on pregnancy hormones 5 1/2 months after you were born?!? OH! And we got to meet your new NY BFF- Caleb Jayden. One of Mommy's BFF's Kara and Matt had their first baby boy just a few weeks ago. He is such a cute little peanut! You crawled under his swing, tried pulling off the toys on HIS play mat, and rolled across the floor getting into everything, while he slept in my arms...Made me miss the old days! :)

Anddd your little Teethers are starting to come in! Orajel is now our best friend, along with cold wet washcloths. The little frozen gummies make you scream because I think they hurt your poor little teeth. Which is kind of strange...I need to go stock up on baby tylenol but until then I will throw on the Orajel and hope for the best. I wish I could do more. I can feel your pointy little tooth starting to poke through and I can't even imagine how painful that must be. Ughh. The picture below is what we like to call your cabbage patch face but really it's what you do when we think your teeth are bothering you. Still So cute though Mr. Man.

Ok so now on to new exciting developments. We are now the proud owner of a cow. Well quarter of a cow. We went in with the Lenon's and I'm assuming 2 other couples and bought a cow. The thought that it's going to be killed for us to eat is a bit disturbing, but Im' focusing on the grass fed, lean prime cut steaks we're going to get from this baby!! We bought a freezer this weekend to put in the basement and it's all ready to be filled!! YUMMMMM! Although regardless of how great our new cow will be (ha how funny is that to write out?!) nothing will EVER compare to our fav- Buffalo Wings from the Bar Bill. It's probably good I'm out of New York. I could eat these babies every day of my life. Actually a few times a day. For life.

Alright, once again. Random. I guess I should get started on registering my professors for MyCommunicationLab and MySocLab insetad. Enough procrastinating for one night. Ughhh... Let's end on a fun note. Below is a picture of our drive. This is part of New York where I grew up. So gorgeous!! Far from crazy New York City right?! But I love it and couldn't ask for a better place to call home!

How is it the weekend Already??- Ok so I wrote this on 9/17 but apparently never hit publish! :)

Ok wow. Talk about crazy busy week. I'm back to work making the rounds around campus like a hard little worker rep. I should've started doing this a week ago but I was one sick momma. Ugh. It sucked. I felt a little cold coming on, and then by Monday I felt terrible. I made a Dr's appointment because I didn't want to get Mr. Gavman sick and I felt like "That person" bc I hate going to the Dr over a little cold. Thankfully I did though, bc when they listened to my lungs there was cackling and the x-ray confirmed it- pneumonia. Boo! Anyways they gave me some pretty strong meds, and I was back at it this week.  Woo Hoo!

Work so far is going pretty good, just CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY busy. I need to take a deep breath and know within the next couple of weeks it's going to settle down a bit. I had 2 lunches this week, 2 worktrips and full campus days. Not to mention all of the fun e-mail follow up I get to do when I get home after I try and spend time with Gavman. You can tell he's getting pissed too. I drop him off at Cindy's and he scowls at me...I pick him up, and he scowls at me again. I don't let him out of the car and bring him inside until he gives me a smile. Lately that's been taking longer, and longer. Cindy thinks he's teething, and also thinks he's developing a bit of a temper. Oh Dear Lord PLEASE do not let him get his mom's temper. Seriously. I don't know what i would do? I'm praying to God he gets Bryan's temperment...laid back, chill, easy going. Not his mom's anxiety, temper or inability to relax. He is a happy baby, everyone comments on his big smiles when we're out and about, but when I pick him up or drop him off at Cindy's it's another story. Gavin, what gives little man?! Could you stop...it's giving me a guilty complex! I know she treats you so good bc everytime I walk in she's holding you, kissing your head, and when I asked if you gave her any issues she hugged you and said Nooo I love him so much! Ha. Looks like you have someone wrapped around your finger?! I'm just happy you're somewhere, where I know your safe, loved and get lots of attention. I really couldn't ask for a better person to watch you. Besides me.

I'm actually dying to see the new Sarah Jessica Parker movie- I don't know how she does it. It was cute because the preview came on and Bryan was like, that would be one you'd really like, we should go see it. So sweet coming from the guy that begged me to go see My Idiot Brother last weeked. I refused so we ended up at Mitchell's Fish Market instead. Ha. Sorry Bry but wasn't feeling it. Anyways, I think I really would love that movie now that I'm a mom, and workkking like a crazy. The problem is I have a tendency to fall asleep during movies so that might be one we PPV once it's out. Although now that we have Gavin a movie seems like a luxury because we can't go with him...Even though I can't wait until he's old enough so we can go see Pixar movies without looking like creeps just Bryan and I.

Since I was sick last week, yesterday was my first day with my new personal trainer, Adam. Wow! Ok I can't walk today. Seriously. I'm supposed to go out for dinner tonight and I planned on wearing heels. All this girl wants to do is throw on sweats, sneakers and hobble around like an old lady.  It was all basically free weights, and core. Really, core?! I don't have one. I've never missed one. And it's so hard. BUT you know what, I told myself I'm going to push it for 12 weeks and see what happens. After that I can continue on with him, do it myself or swear of working out for the rest of my life because he'll make me hate it. Ha. Kidding. We don't want an obese little chunky monkey so even though I was a runner before, I'm making myself become more fit so Im' a good example to Gavs. I'm for the most part in all my clothes again but they do not fit like they used to. If I could drop just a little more weight like 8-10lbs it would be perfect! So here goes nothing. Adam, can kick my booty as much as he wants if it means I'll meet my goal :)

Speaking of Booty. Gavin LOVES sleeping with his in the air. I remember when he was in my belly he would literally always push his butt out. It hurt so bad and looked so rediculous but he still does it! I never noticed it until when we put him in his crib and watch him on the video monitor. He has a little tradition...Flip on his belly, strech his arms out, and the scootch them back in popping his booty in the air. Whatta cute little inchworm he is. When we're holding him against us he does the same thing. Hey You Mrrr Bootyyy.

Also, one by one we're getting our living room back. Mr Gavin has totally outgrown his playmat, and I'm thinking the swing might be next. Grante he's in it now but he can reach up and pull on the little birdsthat spin around his head, so I'm sure that will be put away soon. Kind of sad in a way, but it will nice to not have baby stuff EVERYWHERE. Granted, I'm sure I'm naive in thinking that and it will be quickly replaced with the next new thing he has to have.

Ok so this was random, BUT what better way to use your time when your kid is taking a 2 hour nap?! AFTER sleeping from 9-8 this morning...Must be he just couldn't keep up with his mom and dad's crazy night of shopping and dinner last night. Woo Hoo. Be jealous of our wild Friday Nights. They don't get much better than that! :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We have a FIVE Month old on our hands!!

Seriously, Gavin has been here for 5 months?! Next year he will have been in our lives for half of year. How did that happen?? Everyone says enjoy every minute because it goes by so quickly, and it really does. What I don't get is I felt like I was pregnant F-O-R-E-V-E-R. Like the weeks ticked by soo slow but now each week is flying. I used to get so excited on Thursdays because that was the day I'd let myself read "What's happening this week" in Baby Center, so I could see how my little grape, jicama, cantelope, melon, etc was doing that week. Now the weeks are flying by like no one's business and it needs to slow down.

So, HAPPY (belated by 2 days) five months Bday Mr Gaveyman. I love you so much. Seriously every day I fall more and more in love with you, yet how is that possible because I love you so much already! You are the greatest thing to happen in my life. One of the guys I work with mentioned that I'm always a happy person, but when I talk about you, my face lights up even more. Ok, writing that out sound creepy, but just know that you are SO loved Mr. Man.

A few highlights in the last month...
  • I think we're going to have a crawler on our hands soon! In the last 2 weeks you've managed to figure out how to get up on your knees and hands and look like you're ready to take off! You kneel there and rock back and forth, just trying to figure out how to go. You bull doze now, which you've done for awhile, but now you are speedy! You get up on all fours, and charge ahead with your head down. Your grandma thinks within the next 2 weeks you'll be crawling and I might agree. Then the baby proofing will begin.Which I don't even want to think about.
  • Your favorite thing in the world is your Baby Einstein and your Johnny Jump Up. You like to bend your knees and try to jump as high as you can, laughing while you do it. If we don't sit there and watch you, you get a little angry and start whining Mr. I needtobethecenterofattention. Hmmm...wonder where you get that from?! DAD?? Ha!
  • You have pretty good hand and eye coordination. Your not a big paci-guy but you love pulling it out of your mouth and putting it back in...over and over and over again.
  • You now can go to sleep on your own like a BIG BOY! Your dad and I put you in bed around 8:00-8:30 every night and you fall asleep all by yourself. You also wake up on the other end of the bed, upside down but that's a different story :) You still sleep through the night really good, You sleep from about 8:30-7:30 every day. Although we will have to change that now that mom's going back on campus to work and you'll need to be at daycare by 7:30-7:45 every day. Yikes! We'll see how that goes this week :)
  • You love to roll around and around. We will lay you on your back and you will roll constantly across the room all the way to the other side in seconds. You then like to push yourself up and look around to make sure we're watching.
  • Your closet shrunk in half (Well for like 2 days, then your mom and dad when on a little shopping excrusion the last few days and bought you wayyy too many clothes!). I cleaned out all of your clothes NB-6 months and almost got a little teary doing so. Looking at the little outfit you came home in, it's hard to picture you that small :( But I'm sure I"ll look back and say the same thing about the clothes you're wearing now. Thankfully we just bought tons of 12 months-18 months clothes so I can look at those hanging there and feel good knowing you're not THAT Big yet. Although I doubt it will be long before you are.
  • You still like blowing bubbles, and babbling but now you SHREEEK. You will jump in your johhny  john up and squeel and sqweek at the top of your lungs the whole time. I thought it was cute the first few times, now it can be slightly annoying. Well ok it was the other day when all I wanted to do was watch a few minutes of Keeping up with the Kardashians and I couldn't over your screaming. I guess the only solution is to get your daddy to love Kim, Kourt, and Khloe as much as me so we can watch it once your in bed.
  • You are obsessed with the cats. Whenever they walk by you, your face literally lights up like they personally strolled in the room to tell you that they love you. You haven't figured out how to pet them yet, so instead you grab a handful of their fur and don't let go. You also love to try and grab their tail. Maybe one of these days we'll let you, so they'll stop trying so hard to compete for our attention.

Finally I feel like I should also mention that today is the 10th anniversary of one of the saddest days in our country's history. Watching the events on TV this morning, made me look at life in a new way now that I have you. I've always been heartbroken over what happened, but now that I think of all the moms and dads out there whose lives were lost and they will never be able to hold their babies and kiss them and snuggle them makes me so much sadder. We watched the news coverage of the attacks this morning, and sat there crying. I remember driving to campus during my first year of college. I sat at a red light listening to the news on the radio, and looked over to see a flag that was raised only half way blow in the wind on the cold and rainy day. It seemed so symbolic. I remember looking over at people in their cars next to me, with their hands over their mouths and tears streaming down their faces as they heard the same news that I did. I remembered trying to call home and cellphones weren't working because everyone was trying to use it at the same time. Schools were closed, the city of Bufflo was somewhat shut down and no one could make sense of what happened. I still can't really grasp it our make sense of it. It was a day that made me realize how frail life really is, and how everything can be turned upside down in a matter of minutes. I was never so proud to be living in America, and to be a New Yorker as I was during the weeks that followed. I also was thankful I had the hope and faith in God knowing, that He is truly in control, and regardless of what happened or happens in my future I will be ok. I know you will too Gav, I pray for you dailly and I love you so much. We tried to take today, a day that this morning started out so sad and turn it around the best we could. We went to church, heard a great message, and then went to Valhalla Park to witness over 30 people being baptized. It seems redepemptive and really moving to hear the stories from everyone. There was a really elderly man, young children and so many people in between. So moving and so cool to be a part of today...even if you thought it made perfect sense to stick your drooly hands in the sand and then stick both fists in your mouth. I think you are alllll Boy Mr. GaveyGav.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cha-Cha-Cha Channnnges

Is it sad that, that song was seriously one of my favorite songs ever because it was on the Shrek 2 soundtrack?! Reason number 104635 why Gavin and I are going to be best buds...His mom still loves every Pixar movie! While most people probably have normal things on their DVR, ours is full of Bolt, The Bee Story, Kung Fu Panda, Shrek, Wall-E, The Incredibles, and so on! I guess the one thing that might redeem me is I also DVR all the Real Housewives of ...Every single season bc I'm addicted.

Well Gavey Gav lots has happened in the last few weeks!! I hope this isn't a theme?! I'm not good with all this change. I feel like everytime I write I say a lot has happend. Yikes!

  • We changed daycares. The one he was going to was nice (well so I thought)...The lady who I'll leave name-less has 11 other kids, all ages 2 and up, and they run around like crazies. They're all obsessed with Gav bc he's so little but she let's them put their slimy snotty hands all over him, and her two little helpers I found out are her son's girlfriends and after the first time I met them they started looking a little dumpy and hungover. Seriously, when I walk in the door to pick up my son please smile, or at the very least put down your Mac, look up and acknowledge I walked through the door. Soo...THANKFULLY Bryan talked to a girl he works with, and she suggested Cindy who literally lives less than a minute from us!! Seriously so perfect! She only has two other little boys that are both around 2, and they're so good and quiet. She always picks Gavin up when I walk in the door and she kisses him and he smiles so big. Before I'd bring him home and he'd cling to me and never let me put him down. Now he's all smiles when I walk in AND when we get home. I can tell he's one little happy camper. Seriously such a relief. Cindy is amazing and Gavin doesn't have to worry about scratches or 11 other crazies running around :) Woo hooo! I made Bryan call our 1st lady and then stop by to pick up his tubs of formual and diapers. We were just going to leave them but then decided we should probably start to grow up and act like adults and not be scared to do what's best for our son.
  • We are now the home of a baby going through "Sleep Training". We have the habit of letting him fall asleep in our arms everynight and then putting him in his crib. We love it bc I LOVE LOVE LOVE little snuggles and cuddling with him when he's asleep because now he's Mr. Squirmy pants when he's awake. BUT we're realizing he needs to learn to get used to his room, putting himself to sleep and soothing himself. We tried it for the first time last weekend and it was TORTURE!! He cried for an hour straight. We went in every 10 minutes, patted his back, told him it was ok and that I was proud of him, and then left for another 10 minutes. I was a crying mess. Bry said he thinks it was worse on me than Gav. Ughhh...Listen to your little babe cry and knowing all he wants is to be comforted is the worst thing ever. That being said, that was the only bad night. He picked up this trick so quickly! It's kind of nice we now have our routine...rice cereal with fruit, bath because he's a sticky mess afterwards, baby lotion massage, (I call night time baby spa time...nice!), bottle, then we carry him up, put him in his crib and he'll squirm and chat for a bit then he's out! Good job Gav! Although I feel like this is too easy, and we're in for another screaming night here soon?!
  • We had to go to Urgent Care tonight :( I try so hard not to be one of those overly frantic moms...I'm trying to find the balance of not constantly  thinking something is wrong and not letting things get out of control. He's had a bad cough for the last 2 weeks, and now his eyes look goopy...Poor babe! So I called our Dr. and since they were closing in 10 minutes (wayyy for me to wait untl the last minute! lesson learned). Anyways, they told me to take him to the Kid's Place (?) urgent care or something like that. Anyways,  Bry and I took Gav over and he has a little sinus cold so we have to give him antibiotics. How pathetic is it I got choked up when she said that. I just feel so bad that he's not feeling good. He's acting fine and was all smiles the whole time we were there, but little did he know, we now have to give him meds twice a day for 10 days. BUT Bry and I are now the proud parents of a 17lb 8 oz baby who's 27 inches long. Seriously Gav. you're getting so big babe!!
  • This momma needs a little help losing these annoying 10lbs that just wont drop! I got down to 8lbs to go but then thanks to a weekend out I'm now back up 2! SO. I hired a personal trainer. We're going to meet every Wed at 7 for 12 weeks. He's really nice and knows exactly what my goals are so I'm HOPING he helps me drop it. I mean how can he not?! I also have been dying to learn more free weight excersies since I typically just do cardio and then the same arm and leg weights. I know, I know that's my problem bc I need to change it up. Thankfully I'm now running again. I'm up to a little over 4 miles at 9:50 pace. I still have a ways to go before I have my distance and speed back but that's ok. Little by little I'll get there :) My goal is to be back to running like normal and back in all of my clothes by Winter. Or FOR SURE before next summer and our tropical va-ca!!! Can't we just go now?! Oh wait I'm back to work. NM.
  • Work is going good. Just crazyyyyy. I hate the start of every semester. Well, I don't hate it, I just get anxiety. I want to have a good year, work hard and exceed my goal and you never have a guarantee or know until the year starts to close out. I have SO much to do, so many people to see, but it'll get done. It always does. Once i get going I always have fun with it. I'm trying to learn balance. Before Gavs my life was work. Now I want to still be a hard worker but also make sure I'm taking time at night to spend with GaveyGavs, .So far so good! I know there's going to be nights where it won't be this way but as long as that's not the norm, I'm ok with it.
  • Oh and last cute story. So Sundays we go to our church Riverview and there's a little nursery to drop your babes off at. While Bry and I got there a little late last Sunday and when we were walking up all of this sudden this girl (Well who's like my age) runs aroudn the counter and is like He's Here!! He's Here! I'm staying! Tell so-and so she doesn't need to help for the 11:30, he came! I was so confused and didn't know what she was doing. We handed Gav across the counter and they told us they dont' take the seats anymore but to put them by the coats. So I take him out, and this girl was still standing next to me, while another girl came up to take him and she's like He's mine! He's mine, I claimed him. Ha! It was really nice but kind of weird...I then said He stinks, I'll change him first. So she follows me in there and stands over me while i"m changing him and then took him. It was really cute. At least he's loved here unlike his first daycare. Ha. Ok Gavin you were loved at your first daycare, they were just crazy. All of them.
I guess that's it...So maybe not THAT many changes?! Whew! You know it actually feels good to get this updated. It was one of those things that were hanging over my head. (Thank you Sarah for the reminder!! :) And can I just say I'm SO pumped for this Looong Holiday Weekend?! MUCH Needed! We were going to go up north, but we thought of it a little too late and everything is booked! TC must be the place to be?! Instead we're going to Bryan's sisters for the night on Saturday which should be SO fun. I haven't seen my neice and nephews in forever! Can't wait!