Thursday, July 28, 2011

Favorite thing Ever

Baby laughs! Seriously hearing Gavin laugh is the best feeling in the world. I love when he laughs and throws his head back because he's laughing so hard, or when he laughs in his sleep like he just did now. It's seriously the best thing ever. Gavin has truly taught me the bestttt things in life aren't things (how cliche right?!) but watching him grow and learn and seeing my husband in a new light. Not just as my hubsters but as a father, and someone who loves me and his son so much.

Ahhh I seriously love my life. I'm so blessed and I'm so thankful.

Monday, July 25, 2011

It just keeps getting better!!

Can I just say I'm one of those moms who is already sad about the thought of my son marrying a woman and not needing his mom as much?! It makes me want to cry thinking that someday Gav won't be my little baby who I get to cuddle and snuggle and kiss every single moment I want to. It doesn't make it better that EVERYONE who sees us reminds me about how quickly it goes? Ok so I'm clearly crazy. THAT being said. It really does just keep getting better and better. It's to the point where I'm really enjoying every new thing that Gav does, and I'm not so sad about my babes getting bigger and older because that's going to bring along a lot more new and fun things. It's like I had this major epiphany and now I can rest at ease :) Ha. Well somewhat. I still hate bumping him up to the next clothes sizes, but that's ok since I squeeze every last bit of him into the ones we have. I also feel bad because we recieved a TONNNN of clothes during his baby showers, and after he was born so I hate knowing that there are some he'll never wear. Ok. I guess if that's the biggest dilemma I'm facing with him right now than I shouldn't complain.

We had such a great weekend!! Saturday we went shopping for new clothes for me since my sales meeting is a week from today! Yikes! The thought of leaving my son for 4 days is sickening. Booooooo. I left him in the nursery at church for the first time this week and literally walked back in tears, to the point where my husband had to keep hugging me so I could pull it together. Gavin you have EVERY right to be so embarrassed of me. I'll get better. I promise. We then left church and went to our friend's house for the night. We spent the night there and little Gav slept until 10 the next morning!! Although I should have woked him a little sooner since he was SO soaked!! His little onsie was drenched, his blanket, the blanket he laid on, and their pack and play. Oops! You were just so snuggly I couldn't wake you! Apparently hanging out with his little future wifey Quinn just wore that boy right out! Gavs how fun will it be to look back on this when you're married and see that I knew it all along?! Although we just need to hope she's into younger guys :) We then spent the next day with them, and then collapsed because we were so tired. It's not like we really did anything?! Well Bry helped move furniture and did actual work but I did nothing. It was nice having a laid back day though and much needed.

Now off to a new work week! We're going to be busy visiting bookstores, and have a couple lunches set up with different professors so it should be a fun one! Although it's getting harder going out with Gav since he hates laying down and just wants us to hold him so he's standing up and then he bounces. Which is cute but not when you're trying to have a conversation with someone. It can be a bit distracting, so hopefully everything goes great!

Ok good job me. I am getting much better at being consistant here. Although it's only been this one time, but here's to the next! :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Family Funnn Week!!

This has been hands down one of my favorite weeks ever. Bryan had off from work through Thursday so we got to spend SO much time together. We were originally supposed to go to Boyne over the weekend to stay at a resort with Bryan's parents and my neice and nephew but we ended up staying in the wonderful town of DeWitt so I could get work done. That probably doesn't sound very exciting at allll but, I am now officially caught up on EVERYTHING, and I feel so much better!!

I was getting so stressed thinkig about how much I had to get done before my busy season started again, but now I feel like a huge weight was lifted off of me. I can actually breathe and not feel like a stressed out mess. Which probably not only makes me feel better, but Bryan too becauseI can be a little crabby when I'm stressed out. Ha. Go figure?!  I also would just like to say I got the best compliment I ever recieved in my whole entire life! Bryan watched Gavin allll day Monday and Tuesday so I could run around to all of my bookstores, and get caught up on work things. At the end of those 2 days, he said "Wow Boo. I never realized how much work it was taking care of a baby. You do a really good job" :) Honestly nothing that earth shattering, and Bryan is really so appreciative of me and the fact that I take care of Gav, but it was nice to hear those words!! Sometimes I feel like my whole day has revolved around Gavin and I'm exhausted but then I think back and feel like I have nothing to show for it. He's even been telling our friends how much work it was, and how much he appreciates me which makes me feel so good. So thanks Bryguy!!

We also spent time during the week doing things we've been talking about doing but never getting around to it. We ate at soo many different restaurants in Lansing I probably gained 100lbs. Ugh bacccck to reality and eating healthy from here on out! We even hit up the Farmer's Market in Lansing, went to Sephora so I  could FINALLY spend my gift card (thanks to Neena!), walked the "boardwalk" in downtown Lansing, sat outside at night on our porch just chatting and having drinks, and spent time shopping. Although I hate that Bryan can walk into a store and find a million clothes that fit him perfectly, and I walk in try on a million clothes and walk out with only a couple things. Not fair! And esp not fair when you're still losing baby weight. Can't I just snap my fingers and it just fall off?! 10lbs to go and I'm there...No more cocktails on the porch, sushi dates, or ice cream for this girl for awhile! Yikes!

In the life of our little Gavey he's now a little roller man! We had friends over the other night and I laid him on our big smushy ottoman right on his little belly. He rolled on his side and then teetered on his arm FOREVER until he finally pushed himself over!! We were all soo excited!! Way to go Gavman!! The only problem is, he now is constantly rolling from his stomach to his back. It's fine when he's just laying on the floor and does it, but ughhh kind of annoying when he's in his crib. He went from sleeping 10:30-8:30 every night to now waking us up crying because he flipped on his back and he hates sleeping like that. He'll then scootch himself all over the crib trying to flip back but it doesn't happen. He looks like a little bug on his back when we go in there to flip him over so I can't get too mad :) Although the other morning after the 2nd time he did it wihtin like 2 hours I was a crabby little momma so his dad had to deal with it, as I whined about how I just wish we could put a brick on his back to keep him in one place and stomped into the other bedroom leaving Bry with Gav and the video monitor....At this point I should say I'm SO lucky to be married to a guy like Bry! He never gets frustrated or annoyed. I'm not sure how he does it?! I guess I could learn a thing or two from the old man ;)

Then last night we had our friends the Lenon's over. It was great, we got to grill out, chat, and drink some wine...or if you were the guys drink beer. lots. of. beer! Ha!  It was so fun hanging out with them and their fam. Although I think they were getting a little annoyed when Bryan kept shooting nerf darts at them when they were trying to play Wii.. I mean seriously you'd think Bryan was 10 the way he was shooting them and laughing. I hope Gav is a little calmer then his daddy, otherwise I'll be having LOTS of girls nights out of the house!!

On a more serious note, they actually made me think about a few things, and some changes that  Bry and I might have to make for ourselves. I'm afraid how this might affect a few of our friendships, but it gets to a point where I'm not sure how much longer I should tolerate certain things...They made me think a lot about the people in our lives. I give them SO much credit for descions they made. I tend to take the easy way out because I hattttte confrontation, but in some ways I think it's time I step out of my comfort zone a little and maybe be a little more selective about the people I choose to be around. Hmm...I'm not sure where this all came from?! I guess Bry and I have a little talkign to do and we need to figure somethings out for ourselves and our little fam now :)

And can I just say I feel like I'm somewhere else?! I wish I could sneakily take a picture out my window but my neighbors have like 20 cars parked all over their driveway and lawn and there are tons of people outside but they are ALL Asian! Bryan told me this morning before he left for work we've been invaded but I had no idea what he was talking about?! I think I"m on to him now. I keep hearing loud Asian yelling and I want to know what's going on?! I really hate being out of the loop here.

Ok so this was all a little random. I think it's time I stop thinking, and get out of my pajamas so I look like I've at least done something before Bry gets home!! :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Backkk to Work!

Could someone please tell me where the last 12 weeks went?! Seriously! I can't believe my maternity leave is officially over. I'm torn. Part of me is so sad because it's been nice to just chill and be on my own schedule, but the other part of me has to say, it feels good to be back at it! I've missed my professors and it's so nice to get e-mails from them asking about Gav and telling me that they're happy I came back! Although this time around it's going to be a litttttle different because of a few changes that went on, but all in all it's going to work out I have no doubt!

In all honesty during the last couple days, I contemplated quitting my job and staying home with Gav. Who would've thought?! BUT I'm in sales and I'm set up to have a really great year this year, so I don't want to walk away now. I'd be leaving my bonus check on the table, and after walking all over my territory, carrying a heavy bag and laptop up until I was 9 months pregnant, I would be crazy to leave now. Plus with my job it's easy to ease your way back into it. Actually right now I can bring Gav along with me, which is what we did this week. He's a huge hit, plus I think it's going to help me increase my sales! It's one thing to say no to me, but it's another thing to say no to a little cutey patootey who's staring at you with these big brown eyes!! He's my little secret weapon, so watch out other reps!! You've got nothing on this dream team!

So what's new in the little man's life?! Well he's "crawling" both on his back and on his stomach. He literally picks the front half of himself up, and the picks his little butt up then scootches. It's soo cute! Well not so cute when he does it in his crib and then wakes us up because he's ramming his head into the top of it repeatedly. We drag him back down and he usually is back to sleeping at the top or crossways by morning. I wish I could safely tie his ankles to the bottom of the crib!! Shhhh!! :) We did have a little scare the other day though. He was chilling on his little play mat that Val got him, and I had to run upstairs to take a quick call. He normally lays on it and plays quietly so no big deal right?! Well I ran downstairs 2 minutes later and he was gone!! My heart dropped, then I found him, laying on his back across the room hitting his head against the wall. My rediculous anxiety ridden mind made me think someone snuck in and stole him...I need to stop watching anything scary. Ever. Or maybe just stop thinking because I always think the worst. What's wrong with me?! Poor Gav, I'm already a nervous wreck about you driving, and we have 16 years to go. Hopefully I'll relax a little by then!

Now that I'm going back to work I'm going to miss my gym friends! We're all there at the same time every morning, chit chatting about our kids, working out, and motivating each other. It's so sad :( Plus I'm going to miss Grandma Jan and Alicia in Tot Watch. I can go at night but there are different people in there then. They're great too, but I just love those morning ladies!! :)

This is another funnnn weekend for the Less Family!! We're going up to Boyne Mountain and staying at the Blue Green resort. My in-laws will be there along with Gav's cousins Owen and Olivia. It should be fun, they're a water park, beach, and we're sooo close to Petoskey. I think Bry and I will leave Gav for a night with his parents, and go shopping and have a nice romantic dinner there. I can't wait. I will most likely have to hit up American Spoon my favorite Gelato place too!! Bry and I were talking and already at 3 months Gav's been all over, even through another country. He told me to write it in his baby book, but that's so 2010!! Soooo for Bry's AND Gav's sake I thought I would just do a quick run down...Happy Brybear?!
  • New York twice (first time at 2 weeks- wow was I crazy?! and then again at 3 months)
  • Cleveland and had lunch with Val
  • Pennsylvania (although just to drive through...we did stop in Erie for a VERY tasty Chick-Fil-A sandwich :)
  • Canadaaaa (thankfully he would get fussy everytime we were waiting at customs, so they shipped us on through)
  • Indiana to go camping
  • Holland, MI
  • Ludington, MI
  • Grand Haven, MI (oooh all beach towns!! What are you a little water baby already?!)
  • And a bunch of little MI Towns to go shopping but I'm not going to count those. I'm not that crazy. I promise.
Ok better get back to work!! Enough procrastinating for this girl!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oops I did it again!!

I just went wayyy too long before updating this- I'm SO sorry Gav. I'm sure you're heartbroken right?! My goal really was to have this great baby book for you on your 1 year birthday with everything we've done the first year, and now it will be 10 posts, each 30 pages long! Yikesss!

So I'll be quick in order to catch up on everything and mark my words, I will do better next time. Or don't because I say that everytime and I have yet to actually do it! I think about it, but then I think nooo that'll take too long, I'll do it later. Plus I've been anti-computers lately. Although that should probably change now that I'm back to work!! :)

  • Fourth of July was SOOO great! We went up to Ludington with our friends Nate and Neena and their 2 kiddos. We stayed with Nate's parents at their GORGEOUS home which is right on this private pond, with a huge porch that over looks it. They even have their own sauna which we didn't check out because we were so busy and it was so hot anyway we didn't really need it.  We had so much fun, Bryan got to fish,  kayak, shoot off fireworks, and spend time talking to Nate's dad all about politics and the downfall of Nasa :) I on the other hand, drank wine, totally relaxed and stayed up the one night until 1 or 2 in the morning chatting with Neena all about life while overlooking the pond. It was actualy really nice and much needed! We all went to the beach together which was BEAUTIFUL, white sand beaches, where Bryan and Nate built a huge sand castle that they (esp Bryan!) was very proud of. Gavin and I chilled under an umbrella and watched- Wooo hooo. Wow has my life changed little Gavey man :) Mom just didn't want you getting all those crazy sun rays. Although I'm sure if you stepped out from under the umbrella Neena would have been there with a bottle of sunscreen! We also ate at this reallllly good fish place that is over 100 years old and that Nate loooves, which I can now see why. You go in, pick your fish and they fry it fresh for you. We took it to the beach, and sat, watched the sunset, and just relaxed. It was so peaceful and so nice. It makes me want to move up north so we can have tons of nights like that...Although I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon?! Maybe when we're old and retired. Although I think I'd much rather move to California then?! :) Seriously it was one of the best weekends ever!! Gav LOVED it, and was soo good!! Both nights you slept like a little superstar!! The last night you slept from 9:30-8:30 the next morning, I guess you just can't hang with the big dogs yet Gav.
  • Speaking of Sleep- within the last 2 weeks our little Gaveyman started sleeping through the night!! We have a little routine which I think helps. We have splishsplash bathtime, then lotion and clean jammies, then you chug your little bottle and we rock you to sleep. It's perfect, and it's nice to have a little schedule. You're even sleeping in your crib now Mr. Independent!!! I cried the first night because I missed you in my room- yes I'm pathetic. Your dad told me I needed to let go and that I couldn't snuggle with you when you're 16 so it has to end sometime. I disagree though, we can cuddle as long as you want Mr. Man. You usually sleep from about 10:00-7:00, although you wake up whining around 4 everrry night you're in your crib because you're a little inchworm who scootches on your belly from the bottom of the crib to the top every night. It's so cute to watch when you're on the floor, but not so much when I have to go in and pull you back down to the bottom because you keep ramming your head against the top of the crib.

    • This last weekend we went home to NY for our reunion and you got to see the whole family!! You looove gram and gave her the biggest smiles all weekend! It was so sweet Gav and I know it meant the world to her. She got a little choked up when she kissed you goodbye, so thank you for making her feel soo soo loved. It was really special to all of us!! Your cousin Jennie watched you while we went to the reunion, and you kind of gave her a hard time!! You refused to sleep and just wanted to look around at everything. That's the problem when we take you out of your house, you are so intersted in everything around you, you won't sleep. Although it kind of works bc you crash at night and you'll sleep around 9-10 hours. So I won't complain. Not one bit.
    • You're now quite the little talker. Within the last couple of weeks you found your voice and you talk and talk and talk. My favorite is your little laugh, although I'm not sure to think it's cute or be offended when I was singing Mommy is sooo smarrrt to you yesterday you'd start laughing at me like I was crazy, and then I'd sing daddy is so smarttt and you'd give me a dirty look, like duhhh mom.Hmmm. I wasn't too amused Gav. ;) 
    • You're now 3 months old too Mr. Big guy!! It's crazzzy how quickly the time has flown by. Can it go slow from here on out?! Please! I'm officially back to work and it's not too bad. I'm easing my way back in and I'm finally caught up on everything. Now it's time to hit up our bookstores and get lots of orders in. I'm taking my little secret weapon with me- You! GaveyGav!! We get to spend the morning together hitting up bookstores and they're going to be enamored by your cuteness that they're going to order DOUBLE what they planned on, right?! That's our plan, don't let me down. Just kidding. You could neverrr let me down :) You're also, according to other parents and Grandma Jan at the gym, a strong little man. You're able to pull yourself up while holding onto our fingers, stand straight up (which you now prefer which is a little challenging when I want to do other things while holding you), roll over from back to side, and stomach to back, and you hold your head up so strong, although you've been great at that from the beginning. You also have the strongest grip ever which is cute until you try to pull my fingers apart and hair out of my head. Ease up big guy.

    • You may be embarrased,but probably not because by the time you're old enough they will be playing her songs on the Oldies station and you'll think your mom is so lame BUT Neena and I are going to see Britney Spears next month!! We're both die hard Brit Brit fans so there we will be, singing the songs, smiling at Britney and having the time of our lives. I can't wait! You will get to spend the day chilling with dad, while your mom is away and texting him constantly to make sure you're ok. I can see it now!!
    Ok. I think that's it?! Here's to doing better next time. Or not. :)