Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ready. Set. Baby Proof!

Who's this big kid?!

Ok. So back in the day as in when Gavin was a little peanut, I couldn't wait until he could crawl, laugh, interact, play, and all of the fun things that come along with having a little mover and a shaker. Now is it bad that I wish I could have all of that BUT with him staying in the same spot the whole time?! My life in the last few weeks has turned into racing him to the cat dish, stopping him from climbing the stairs, and trying to get him to play with his toys which are sooo uninteresting in comparison to the outlets, lamp cords, and curtains. GAVIN your mom and dad have bought you plennnnty of toys, books, blocks, and fun yet you refuse to even look at them. Ok I take it back. You Looooove your little Baby Einstein table which is great, but I feel so uncool going to the gym with the numbers and letters song stuck in my head. What happened to the Kid Rock and Britney that I used to go around singing?! Someday I'll be cool again. Granted by then all of these singers will be on the oldies station.

Sticking his tonuge out and blowing bubbles and he begins his climb.
Real Class Act Gav.

The Newest Baby Einstein...We now find the sitting bouncer to boring so on to this one...
The noisy one.

I'm saying all of this half complaining but not really. I mean I love, love, love this stage. It's so funny playing peek a boo, and chasing him so he tries to crawl faster and than squeals because he's laughing so hard. Seriously I'm loving every single moment. Now work is slowing down a BIT so it's not as crazy so I can find time in the evenings just to relax and not think about anything but my beautiful little babe and my favorite Brybear. Life is good. Well minus bed time. It's such a fight because he wants to stay up and hang out. We lay him in his crib and now that he crawls and stands up he crawls to the side of the bed and then stands up and screams and screams. In some ways it's funny so I laugh, then I feel bad, then I pick him up, and then I try to convince Bryan to let me bring him back downstairs to snuggle, then I can't so I have to put him back down and walk away. The funny thing is he's normally out like 2 minutes after I walk out the door. I think I hinder his progress when it comes to this bedtime ordeal. I should just put him down and walk away. But yeah that's not going to happen.

Life is also about to get A LOT easier. We just hired a cleaning person to come in and clean every Friday. Thank God. I literally felt like when I wasn't working, or playing with Gavin I was cleaning. Granted I'll still need to keep the house picked up and vacuum obsessively since Gavin finds the smallest spec of anything on our floor even if I just vaccummed- he finds it. But, I won't have to worry about cleaning the bathrooms, fans, vents, floors, kitchen, windows, etc. Whew. I feel like I'm going to get part of my life back. I feel kind of dumb because I have one child, and it's not like I live in this huge house but honestly I feel like I just can't keep up. I think this will help relieve some stress so I can focus more on spending time with my GaveyGava and not running around like a cleaning freak everytime he's sleeping.

I'm not sure if I"ll get a chance to update this weekend. Ok. I guess I am sure. It won't happen. BUT we have a few cute Halloween costumes for our little man! I'll need to take pics so I can add them for Gavin's first Halloween!! Woo hoo! How sad is it that I know once Baby Two comes along we won't be doing all of this, and if he's a boy he'll probably be wearing Gavin's costumes. Ahh. I'll own it. This year we're the nerds who dress Gavin up in Halloween clothes during the week of Halloween and send him to the gym and daycare. Yep we are those parents.

Alrighhhht. I guess that's it. Bryan and I have an exciting evening of wine and movies. We went to our favorite restaurant Dusty's the other day and decided it made sense to join the wine club so now we're doing a little wine tasting night and watching ok I lied, not movies but Grey's. We haven't watched it at all this year and it's sitting on our DVR just begging to be watched. So I think it's time to get this exciting party started! Woo hoo. Let's end on a few of my favorite pics of the week!

Just hanging out shopping with mom. Perfect day!
Just hanging out with Schmesh watching the cars go by

It's a lot of work for a little guy

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

HAPPY (belated) 6 MONTHS BDAY!!

Ok so I'm  a few days late on this.  Is it wrong if  I blame you Mr. Busybody?? You're SO active and so busy now. Wow so much has changed in a month...And can I just say it's not easy to write this or do e-mails when you crawl over to me and pull my screen down and then hit the keys?! Ha How about I do that to you in 15 years when you're trying to write your papers?? :) Just kidding Mr.  (PS idk what you did to my screen but you hit something and now the letters are superrr tiny and I'm  squinting to write this...yikes)

For example this is you now:

This is you the last time I tried to write it:

And this is your mom  getting smart and distracting you with your toys so I can get this done:

So what's new in the world of Gavin this month?!

  • You're officially a crawler!!!! You started a couple weeks ago but you woudl only do a couple crawls then face plant. Now you're off and going! Because of this major milestone your dad and I are forced to go baby gate shopping sometime this week! Woo hoo. We also need to get locks for our cabnet because you like to try and get itno everything...Could someone tell me why Bryan and I ever thought it was logical to keep our Cutco knives set in the bottom  drawer?! Dumbbb. But no worries Gavin hasn't been able to pull that open yet, and we will be dong a bit of kitchen drawer rearranging this week. When did my life get so exciting?!

  • You can pull yourself up and stand on your own two feet all by yourself! Well you have to be holding something, but you can hold on with one hand and stand there. You did this for the first time on your 6 month bday and then you let go of the side of your pack and play and stood by yourself without holding anything for a couple seconds. Good job! We were so proud of you. Last night dad lowered your crib so you wouldn't pull yourself up and fall out. However it looks like when papa comes over this weekend they will have to lower it again because last night when I was watching you on the video monitor you crawled to the side, reached your hands up, and pulled yourself up and stood there! Stinker! You're one step ahead of us Mr. Gaveyman.

  • You hold your own bottle which makes life nice because all we have to do is make it, hand it to you and sit back and catch up on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Perfect!
  • You babble, squeel, yell, and fake cough all the time. You also are such a happy little guy. Well for the most part. When you get mad you get maddddd. Mr. Temper. You throw yourself on the floor and kick your right food against the ground.
  • You are still so obsessed with the cats. Whenever you see them  you start laughing and if they get close enough you grab on and don't let go. You also love to crawl around and chase them...until one of them  (usually crabby Schmesh) turns around and hisses and tries to get you. No worries, she's declawed and if she ever hurt your cute little face she'd get the boot.
  • We now give you baby food a couple times a day...Your favorites seem  to be applesauce, squash and green beans. You're not a huge fan of sweet potatoes unless they're the real thing or bannanas anymore...Although you love pulling your bib off every time I put it on...I usually lose at this game. We are getting smarter and just undressing you down to your diapey so we stop ruining your clothes

  • You spent the night at Laura's this weekend with your grandparents well we went out to celebrate our friend's bday and you went right to sleep at 8:30 and slept until 8:30 the next day. Good boy! I wa so happy you slept somewhere else without us without a problem. Granted, you could always throw in a fit here and there to show you miss us, but that's ok. I think you were having so much fun hanging out with your big cousins!!
  • Your new favorite game is when dad's holding you and I'm  nearby you reach out for me, and then when I have you, you reach out for your dad. So we can go back and forth. and back and foth. Apparently we like it as much as you do because we stand there and play along. And then we play along again. and again.
  • Everyone thinks you're going to be an early walker bc you are so determined to get on your feet! Even when you're crawling you'll stop, push your booty in the air so you're on your tiptoes and try to push up. Take it easy little man. One thing and a time. Your mom  can't handle all of these changes k?! I want you to be my little baby boo forever.
  • You also are a little busy body and I'm  afraid our days of going out to eat as a family are coming to an end :( We went to PF Changs this week and you kept trying to grab our glasses, we were at Bravo and you ripped up the table cloth and tried eating it...Looks like we need to find a new DeWitt babysitter for you! Your grandparents are great but it was tough having you gone all night last'd be nice if  we could leave for a few hours and come home and see you. Thankfully papa is coming over to watch you for a few hours so we can go out and tailgate for the big MSU vs UM game! Although I know we'll miss you every second big boy!
I have to say Gavin, each month gets better and better. You really keep us on our toes now but I love it. Watching you grow and learn things every day is so cool. I feel like it's such a privledge to be your mom  and I'm  proud of you in so many ways. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months, 6 years, 16 years, have in store for us. Although I would appreciate if they didn't get here too quickly because I want to cherish and enjoy every second I can. You've chagned me so much. Before you, my biggest goal in life was to be a hard worker, be sucessful and buy the nice things, and you know what Gav. None of that matters to me. Well I guess it does but it's not my focus. You are. Your happiness is. I used to come home from work and keep working. You've taught me that, that's not what life is about. It's about enjoying my time with you, and work can wait until after your in bed sleeping because I don't want to go through life working so much I miss the little things wtih you and the big things too o course! You're so special to both your dad and I. Your dad couldn't be a prouder daddy. He talks about you when we're out and his face lights up, he wants to constantly play with you, and sometimes the only thing that can make him  feel better is giving you a biggg hug. Cheers to the next 6 months when we're celebrating your big 1st birthday Gaveyyybaby.  Crazy. Love you so much my little bugaboo. (Or Morty as your dad has been calling you lately...seriously what's wrong with us?! Ha!)