Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'm drawing a blank here so let's leave it at that :)

So Mr. Gaverson. You're in bed sleeping and taking the longest nap ever. I have to say I'm VERY ecstatic about that. Is that bad?! I was able to catch up on my e-mails, clean the kitchen, and watch Top Chef which has been sitting in the DVR forever. Hmmm I wonder if I should attempt last week's Bachelor? Now that is what I would calll living it up! The TV is basically non-existant in our lives now that we have you. I'm starting to get the sense we should just get rid of it?!

I'm feeling like it's a bullet point kind of a day...
  • You had TWO Dr's appointments yesterday. Thankfully they were right across the hall from each other so that made it easy. Esp since they were only 25 minutes apart- but it worked out perfect!! You had your well baby check up. At 9 1/2 months Dr. Spates was SO impressed that you've been walking for the last few weeks, can say 4 words, wave hi and bye, and she thinks your one strong (and handsome!) little boyyy. But doesn't that go without saying?! Now on to the stats- you're 23 lbs putting you in the 75th percentile, and 30 inches (wait I need to double check this). I do know that you're in the 90th percentile for height which doesn't surprise me bc you seem soo tall. The best news is your perfectly proportioned, not too skinny not too chubby- just right! Ok shoot. I think I hear you waking up... Maybe not. You know if your dad plugged the video monitor back in I could check for sure but I have no idea where he hid it?! Bryannn.
    Chilling in the Waiting Room...Mom kept directing me towards the Power tools and
    away from the Kitchen Set. I'll thank her later.
  • We then had a dermotologist appt because you my son have a little rash all over your belly. We switched you to organic non-bleach, non cholorine, non-latex, no scented, non everything for your diapers but no change. They think it's eczema that's flaring up since it's so dry. Ugh I feel so bad for you! We've been greasing you up with Aquaphor like nobodys business and now we have to put a little ointment on you and go back in two weeks. Hopefully that takes care of it. Poor itchy baby!
    Hiding on Dr. Randall. Shhhh!
  • We (as in your dad and I- you could care less :) are in the process of house shopping!!! WOO HOO! I'm so excited. We're not in a hurry to sell because we like this home, but I feel like we're out growing it. Your stuff is every where and I'm feeling cramped. This house was perfect for the 2 of us, but now that you're here it's time to move on. Plus we live on a somewhat busy road so I'd rather be on a quieter cul de sac or side road. We actually found a gorgeous house right down the road (well off on a side road down the road) that's double the size of this house 4 bedrooms instead of 3, and a great backyard. That's what sold us on this house- open floor plan, nice backyard, deck, etc but this was has the same stuff just bigger. Plus the kitchen was just completely redone. The pics look great but we're going tomorrow to see if it's too good to be true. We're happy to be working with our realtor (shout to Cindy Beckwith since everyone in the Lansing area should use her!!). She is so great. Anyway since we're not in a hurry to sell we can take our time, until that perfect house comes along. Then we will either sell this one or rent it out. Preferably sell though...We'll see. It's just so exciting! We'll for sure be staying in DeWitt because I LOVE our town, our gym, our DeWitt friends, and Gavin's daycare. If we moved too far I'd still bring him to DeWitt for daycare since I love where he goes, and he loves it too.
  • Tonight is Tony's Surprise 30th bday party in Spring Lake. I was very excited to wake up to bad weather bc I thought that meant we could get out of it...Unfortunatly the sign is shining again so I think we still have to go :( I would much rather just chill here, maybe go out to dinner, or even go somewhere with your daddy-o for the night buttttt it looks like you'll be hanging with Aunt Renee and we will be surprising Tony and driiving home 2 hours in the morning. Booo. When did I get so boring?!
  • Work is back in crazy busy full swing but I love it! I'm having a hard time figuring out how to balance a long day on campus, e-mails and follow up, keeping the house clean, and eating but hopefully I'll figure it out...Hopefully for everyone's sake because my house is a disaster during the week, who am I kidding it's a mess now, and your dad has lived off of take out the last few days. Ugh. The good news is things are falling into place, and I don't think I've ever been so motiavated to close as much as I can. I was talking to one of the candidates who's applying for a position in my district and I told her to do whatever she can to get the job, work hard, and think outside of the box because she wants to work for Pearson. It's a great company and I truly LOVE what I do. It was great talking to her because it was a reminder to me that I'm fortunate to have a job that i love so much, and that can be so rewarding in lots of different ways.
Alrighhhht. I made it! I made it through this whole thing without you waking up!! Well I think you did, but i think you must have fallen back asleep. I would go check but I think I would much rather snuggle up on the couch and wait until you're REALLY ready to get up. Maybe by then your dad will be home, and between the two of us we can convince him that we both would much rather stay home and hang out. Sorry Tony. :)

Mom's chilled out and now let's me watch YO GABBA GABBA like we did this morning.
I had fun dancing and shaking my head to the beats. Don't mind my dirty house :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Babyyy Number 2 and Food Inc

My Baby Bath Seat is verrry Handy for lots of things
There has been two main topics in all of my conversations lately...First of all, EVERYONE is asking me, "so when are you planning on baby number 2"? That my friend is a very good question! Now that my little baby is on the move, and the last thing he wants to do is sit still the thought of having another little peanut cutsey to snuggle with sounds amazing. BUT the thought of gaining weight, being pregnant, maternity clothes, swollen ankles, heart burn, labor, keeping track of another one, and stealing time from Gaveyman out weighs the snuggling. Part of me feels like I would be cheating on Gavey. I made a pact with him a few weeks ago that if we ever have another baby, he'll always be my favorite. Shhhh! ;) I just have so much love for him that I can't picture loving anything else that much. Ok I mean I'm sure and I know it's possible but really? I can't imagine it... :) So my answer to the question is this, we will be ready for baby 2 when the pros outweighs the cons! Perfect! Then again there's the pressure to have them close so that they grow up together and are little BFF's. But you know what I have to say to that. Forget the pressure, we can do this however we want. And you know wat else...I know God's timing is perfect. Gavey was a little Jamaican surprise, so who knows, maybe the next will be a tropical surprise to. Although I hope not. I'm not good with surprises...

Also, the other big topic has been Food Inc. Now this one is entirely on me but seriously. Wow. Most disturbing movie I've ever watched in my WHOLE life. I've never been an organic, free-range, grass fed, loving person but I am now. I'm sure there will be times when Gavin will eat McDonalds, OR when I will eat McDonald's but I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to eat chicken or ground beef/steak from the grocery store again. I'm SO thankful that we bought meat when the Lennon's asked us to go in on it with them. It's free range, grass fed and DELICIOUS. Plus I don't have to worry about the alternatives. I hate that I'm turning into "THAT" person but seriously watch the movie. You will to. Ugh. So gross.

Now on to my favorite topic of them all...Gaverson, Gavey, Gavs, GavinGodiva, GavvaGavva, Gaverino...I thought of more things you've been doing so I have to add them Mr.
  • You wave Bye now and it's so freaking cute!
  • You dance whenever there is music on or when we sing our little songs at night
  • You love to play airplane with your dad- he holds you in his arms and spins you around and you make spitting noises
  • You now definitly walk wayyyy more than you crawl. It actually seems funny when you crawl now
  • You are now set for summer thanks to Gymboree, Gym Bucks, and your mom's obsession with baby shorts and polos. Seriously 3 trips there in the last 2 weeks. Can someone please tell me when this will stop and I'll go back to shopping for myself?!
  • You're cutting more teeth and the nice thing about it is you will now sit on my lap for more than 30 seconds :) Perfect! The only time you cuddle with me anymore is when you sit with me and have a bottle. You're a little busy bodyyy. You also are chewing EVERYTHING. Your favorite toy is below.
  • Your hair is getting long. Like long in the back so do you need a hair cut?! I don't know. I really don't know how this works. You also need it trimmed around your ears bc it's starting to grow out. I really don't want to waste little trims on your first hair cut. What's a girl to do?!
  • We had a play date with Quinn and Grey and she gave you a very cute kiss right on the lips. Thennn when Neena was leaving you leaned forward and gave her a kiss bye! So cute! I love it, you and Grey are getting to the age that you can play and interact. You're not just Baby Gavin who sits in a car seat all day. Aww big boy :(
I think that's it for a little mini-update. I really need to come back through and add pics. Maybe later. This is all for now kids. Now this girl needs to go to bed for her first work trip of the semester!! And my goal- be at the gym by 6:00 tomorrow. Boooo. Usually I go at night but I'm switching things up now that work is about to get crazyyyy. Can't wait!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy NINE Months Babe!!

Happy 9 Months Birthday to you Gavey!! Well granted it was yesterday but your mom was still feeling it from a week in San Diego. I have to say I couldn't be happier to be home. I'm realizing that now that is the worst part of my job- saying bye to my Gavers for a week! Boooo...I think this summer I just might pack you and your dad up with me and take you along. Although I'm not sure what you guys will do while I'm in meetings all day and dinners at night?! Hmmm...

This is going to be a quick 9 month update because I'm sleepy. While maybe not QUICK because when can I ever do that?!

  • You're a little walker now. You've been taking steps for awhile but now you take at least 6-10 in a row and when you do you fly! You're going to be a runner just like your mom :) And well now dad, now that he has Adam in his life. Ha
  • You can say mum mum, dad, cat, and baba. I have no idea what baba means though?! You say it when you look at your book, but also your bottle. Maybe you just like to say Ba. Cat is a little embarrassing that, that's one of your first words. You started saying it about a month ago and we thought it was just us making it up in our heads, but several other people heard it and agree. We are officially the crazy cat house.
  • You now enjoy looking at books and not just eating them
  • You stayed your first whole week with your dad and you survived!! You both did. I actually walked in the door and you just stared at me for a minute like it wasn't real and then kept looking at your dad and smiling, like Hi dad, you're my new favorite! Ha! Now we're best buds again.
  • You hate your vegetables but love your fruit. You literally bat the spoon out of my hand when I get close to you with it. I'm going to buy you the organic mixed
  • Contrary to the little picture below (or whenever I get around to it) you love playing with your little cousin Oliver this weekend. You actually were trying to give him a kiss but then fell and used him to stand back up! Oops! I thought it was funny, although I'm not srue if Laura did?! I should probably explain the context!
  • You still love to play "catch" and you have quite the arm on you. You're getting really good at it too :) Like I said you're my little athlete!! You have the most fun when we put you in your pack and play that's full of all of these plastic balls and you throw them at us. You kept throwing them at your dad when he was lying on the floor sleeping a few weeks ago. No worries I have it all on video. Ha! Nice like trick Mr Gav man
  • You moved up two weeks ago from the baby room to the crawlers. Amanda was a little upset about this bc you two were buddies but I'm sure she will be down to visit you in the crawler room! Actually one Sunday she left the service to come see you and didn't come back until the end...the funny thing is she sat right in front of us and I didn't know where she went?! Ha little did I know she was hanging out with my favorite little guy! You're so loved Gavs!
  • We made it through Christmas but I don't think I want a real tree for awhile. Pine needles were everyyyywhere. I'm sure we will still find them next year at this time. Yikes! Thankfully we finally took the tree down today! Your dad was a little stubborn and wouldn't let us do it until I got back from SD. Ha. Perfect. That won't happen again either :)
I think that's it for now?! I'll try to add more pics later but I wanted to get this up so we had it :) I love you so much baby Gavey. You are so awesome and truly make our life so much fun!! Alright, now this momma needs to pour a glass of wine and catch up on the DVR. I'm a sleepy little mess. Yikes

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goals for 2012

Disclaimer...So I wrote this like in the last month but never published might be a little out of order but I thought it was worth adding :)

Ok so I kow this is a little blog someday book for Gavey BUT I thought it would also be the perfect place to keep a little running list about my goals for next year...I love the new year because it's always the perfect time to rethink, and re-evaluate life and what changes I can make to make for a better future for myself, my Bry and my Gavey...
  • Make my goal for work...Ok no. I don't want to just make my goal, I definitly want to exceed my goal. And make my goal early. No begging for orders next year!!
  • Read more.
  • Run the Riverbank Run 25K and PR from my previous years...hopefully this will inspire me to run another marathon...Chicago maybe? Now I just need to STOP getting sick! Ugh!
  • Watch less trashy reality TV. This is my huge guilty pleasure. Real Housewives, Teen Mom, anything Kardashian, the list goes on and on. Really it's kind of a time suck when I could be spending time with Bry or doing something around the house. We usually don't watch TV until Gavin is in bed bc I'm funny about him watching it, or seeing us watch it but I'm sure I could be doing other things.
  • Go on more weekend trips with Bry. We're going on our anniversary trip in June which is great but I would love to get away every month or every other month for a night or two. Just the two of us :)
  • Put up Christmas lights outside next year
  • Redo the basement and take care of all the other little things so when the housing market goes up we can sell. (Sorry Bry, I know you hate when I say that!! But seriously. Ha)
  • Read to Gavin every night...we're OK with this but we could do a lot better. I think this will get easier when he stops trying to eat the pages every time we open up a book.
  • Work out in the morning so I don't have to take Gavin from daycare, to the gym daycare. That means be at the gym by 5:30 and home, showered and ready to go by 7:00 am when Gavman gets up so I can get him ready and hang out with him before I hit the road.
  • Eat out less and eat at our table more. We have a bad habit of eating seperatly because we go to the gym at night, get home have to feed Gav, so one person does that and the other makes the food (ok I make the food), and then Bryan takes care of Gavin until bedtime so he can spend time with him. OR we just skip the gym and go out to eat which isn't as easy as it once was with a Mr. GaveyGav.
  • 30 day sugar fast...including white bread, white flour products, etc. I don't have a huge sweet tooth but I love bad carbs. I'm not neccesarily doing this for a total health kick thing, but more to detox myself from this stuff and also I think it will be a great practice in discipline. Ahh I sound so old.
  • Get to know more people in this area, while at the same time let go of friendships that need to go. I'm done hanging on to friendships with people who are toxic.
  • Spend less time on my computer unless it's work related...Facebook is a great way to chat with ppl I don't get to see a lot or post pics so my friends and family who never get to see Gav can see them but, I'm starting to get annoyed by those who uses it to try and convince everyone their life is perfect, or the people who use it to vent about how horrible their life is. Ha ok end rant. 
  • Read my Bible more. I'm good at reading verses here and there but I need to make this a priority.
  • Be less critical of myself and others. Bryan always says I'm my worst critic and that I'm too hard on myself. I think I need to let things go more, and realize I'm not perfect and that's ok.
  • Spend more time with my niece and nephews. They're so cute and we love hanging out with them but don't as much as we want to. Make the time.
  • Find new ways to serve at Riverview
  • Not check my e-mail or text when out with Bry or friends. It's rude, I'm obsessed, I need to stop. Ok wait. I can have it on the table because what if the babysitter tries calling and we obviously can't miss it. Ha wow. I'm sucha mom now.
  • Forgive those people that I need to forgive. Not just tell myself I forgive them, actually forgive them. And then leave it at that. (Ok. this makes it sounds like a deep dark thing that was done. Yikes! It wasn't. Just lots of little things from a few different people. Ok .Two. Ha)
  • Stop buying every little thing I want for Gavin and saying I'll give it to him for Christmas/Birthday/Easter, etc and then not putting it away and giving it to him that day. We will never be able to surprise him on any gift giving occassion at this rate.
  • Stop buying ever little thing I want for myself right then. It makes it hard when it's Christmas because there's nothing I want, and then I say something that I don't really want but just to say something, and I get it, and then I get mad I got it because I didn't really want it. Ha. Poor Bry! :)
  • Make more of an effort with my friends who I've lost touch with because it's my fault.
  • Find something else to do besides go to mall when I need something to do.
  • Figure out how to get Gavin into his car seat without him crying like a crazy little man. I feel like people stop and stare
  • Give Gavin my full undivided attention when I get home from work. Always. Do my follow up after he's in bed or when Bry's watching him. I think I'm pretty good with this, but then again sometimes I'm playing with him but my mind is on everything else I have to do. I need to be more in the moment.
  • TRY and keep my side of the closet look as neat as Bryan's.
  • Turn my expenses in on time. It would seriously make my life so much easier if I did. Is it bad this is my goal every year?! Yikes.
  • Stop watching Datelines and 20/20's. I get sucked into them and then I can't sleep or walk around in public without thinking someone is going to randomly shoot me, kidnap me (although I'm almost 30 so it's probably not kidnap anymore?!), or try and steal Gavin. Although I do have a creep Meijer story where a man acted very strange and like he was going to take him today...AND I'm not just paranoid. I told the story to someone else and they agreed it was really strange and not normal. The thing is we were in my town which is the safest place ever. Strange.
  • Be patient and slow to speak. I get annoyed and impatient very easy, and I need to just relax and chill for a minute. And then do it again because usually I think I do that, but then Bryan still tells me I'm freaking out. Ha. Oops. I definitly need to work on this.
I think that's it. For now. I'm sure I'll think of more. Ok I know I will :) 2011 was the best year ever because I had Gavey but I'm ready to move on and leave everything else in 2011. Here's to 2012 and having the best year yet!!