Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goals for 2012

Disclaimer...So I wrote this like in the last month but never published might be a little out of order but I thought it was worth adding :)

Ok so I kow this is a little blog someday book for Gavey BUT I thought it would also be the perfect place to keep a little running list about my goals for next year...I love the new year because it's always the perfect time to rethink, and re-evaluate life and what changes I can make to make for a better future for myself, my Bry and my Gavey...
  • Make my goal for work...Ok no. I don't want to just make my goal, I definitly want to exceed my goal. And make my goal early. No begging for orders next year!!
  • Read more.
  • Run the Riverbank Run 25K and PR from my previous years...hopefully this will inspire me to run another marathon...Chicago maybe? Now I just need to STOP getting sick! Ugh!
  • Watch less trashy reality TV. This is my huge guilty pleasure. Real Housewives, Teen Mom, anything Kardashian, the list goes on and on. Really it's kind of a time suck when I could be spending time with Bry or doing something around the house. We usually don't watch TV until Gavin is in bed bc I'm funny about him watching it, or seeing us watch it but I'm sure I could be doing other things.
  • Go on more weekend trips with Bry. We're going on our anniversary trip in June which is great but I would love to get away every month or every other month for a night or two. Just the two of us :)
  • Put up Christmas lights outside next year
  • Redo the basement and take care of all the other little things so when the housing market goes up we can sell. (Sorry Bry, I know you hate when I say that!! But seriously. Ha)
  • Read to Gavin every night...we're OK with this but we could do a lot better. I think this will get easier when he stops trying to eat the pages every time we open up a book.
  • Work out in the morning so I don't have to take Gavin from daycare, to the gym daycare. That means be at the gym by 5:30 and home, showered and ready to go by 7:00 am when Gavman gets up so I can get him ready and hang out with him before I hit the road.
  • Eat out less and eat at our table more. We have a bad habit of eating seperatly because we go to the gym at night, get home have to feed Gav, so one person does that and the other makes the food (ok I make the food), and then Bryan takes care of Gavin until bedtime so he can spend time with him. OR we just skip the gym and go out to eat which isn't as easy as it once was with a Mr. GaveyGav.
  • 30 day sugar fast...including white bread, white flour products, etc. I don't have a huge sweet tooth but I love bad carbs. I'm not neccesarily doing this for a total health kick thing, but more to detox myself from this stuff and also I think it will be a great practice in discipline. Ahh I sound so old.
  • Get to know more people in this area, while at the same time let go of friendships that need to go. I'm done hanging on to friendships with people who are toxic.
  • Spend less time on my computer unless it's work related...Facebook is a great way to chat with ppl I don't get to see a lot or post pics so my friends and family who never get to see Gav can see them but, I'm starting to get annoyed by those who uses it to try and convince everyone their life is perfect, or the people who use it to vent about how horrible their life is. Ha ok end rant. 
  • Read my Bible more. I'm good at reading verses here and there but I need to make this a priority.
  • Be less critical of myself and others. Bryan always says I'm my worst critic and that I'm too hard on myself. I think I need to let things go more, and realize I'm not perfect and that's ok.
  • Spend more time with my niece and nephews. They're so cute and we love hanging out with them but don't as much as we want to. Make the time.
  • Find new ways to serve at Riverview
  • Not check my e-mail or text when out with Bry or friends. It's rude, I'm obsessed, I need to stop. Ok wait. I can have it on the table because what if the babysitter tries calling and we obviously can't miss it. Ha wow. I'm sucha mom now.
  • Forgive those people that I need to forgive. Not just tell myself I forgive them, actually forgive them. And then leave it at that. (Ok. this makes it sounds like a deep dark thing that was done. Yikes! It wasn't. Just lots of little things from a few different people. Ok .Two. Ha)
  • Stop buying every little thing I want for Gavin and saying I'll give it to him for Christmas/Birthday/Easter, etc and then not putting it away and giving it to him that day. We will never be able to surprise him on any gift giving occassion at this rate.
  • Stop buying ever little thing I want for myself right then. It makes it hard when it's Christmas because there's nothing I want, and then I say something that I don't really want but just to say something, and I get it, and then I get mad I got it because I didn't really want it. Ha. Poor Bry! :)
  • Make more of an effort with my friends who I've lost touch with because it's my fault.
  • Find something else to do besides go to mall when I need something to do.
  • Figure out how to get Gavin into his car seat without him crying like a crazy little man. I feel like people stop and stare
  • Give Gavin my full undivided attention when I get home from work. Always. Do my follow up after he's in bed or when Bry's watching him. I think I'm pretty good with this, but then again sometimes I'm playing with him but my mind is on everything else I have to do. I need to be more in the moment.
  • TRY and keep my side of the closet look as neat as Bryan's.
  • Turn my expenses in on time. It would seriously make my life so much easier if I did. Is it bad this is my goal every year?! Yikes.
  • Stop watching Datelines and 20/20's. I get sucked into them and then I can't sleep or walk around in public without thinking someone is going to randomly shoot me, kidnap me (although I'm almost 30 so it's probably not kidnap anymore?!), or try and steal Gavin. Although I do have a creep Meijer story where a man acted very strange and like he was going to take him today...AND I'm not just paranoid. I told the story to someone else and they agreed it was really strange and not normal. The thing is we were in my town which is the safest place ever. Strange.
  • Be patient and slow to speak. I get annoyed and impatient very easy, and I need to just relax and chill for a minute. And then do it again because usually I think I do that, but then Bryan still tells me I'm freaking out. Ha. Oops. I definitly need to work on this.
I think that's it. For now. I'm sure I'll think of more. Ok I know I will :) 2011 was the best year ever because I had Gavey but I'm ready to move on and leave everything else in 2011. Here's to 2012 and having the best year yet!!

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