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My Baby Bath Seat is verrry Handy for lots of things |
There has been two main topics in all of my conversations lately...First of all, EVERYONE is asking me, "so when are you planning on baby number 2"? That my friend is a very good question! Now that my little baby is on the move, and the last thing he wants to do is sit still the thought of having another little peanut cutsey to snuggle with sounds amazing. BUT the thought of gaining weight, being pregnant, maternity clothes, swollen ankles, heart burn, labor, keeping track of another one, and stealing time from Gaveyman out weighs the snuggling. Part of me feels like I would be cheating on Gavey. I made a pact with him a few weeks ago that if we ever have another baby, he'll always be my favorite. Shhhh! ;) I just have so much love for him that I can't picture loving anything else that much. Ok I mean I'm sure and I know it's possible but really? I can't imagine it... :) So my answer to the question is this, we will be ready for baby 2 when the pros outweighs the cons! Perfect! Then again there's the pressure to have them close so that they grow up together and are little BFF's. But you know what I have to say to that. Forget the pressure, we can do this however we want. And you know wat else...I know God's timing is perfect. Gavey was a little Jamaican surprise, so who knows, maybe the next will be a tropical surprise to. Although I hope not. I'm not good with surprises...
Also, the other big topic has been Food Inc. Now this one is entirely on me but seriously. Wow. Most disturbing movie I've ever watched in my WHOLE life. I've never been an organic, free-range, grass fed, loving person but I am now. I'm sure there will be times when Gavin will eat McDonalds, OR when I will eat McDonald's but I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to eat chicken or ground beef/steak from the grocery store again. I'm SO thankful that we bought meat when the Lennon's asked us to go in on it with them. It's free range, grass fed and DELICIOUS. Plus I don't have to worry about the alternatives. I hate that I'm turning into "THAT" person but seriously watch the movie. You will to. Ugh. So gross.
Now on to my favorite topic of them all...Gaverson, Gavey, Gavs, GavinGodiva, GavvaGavva, Gaverino...I thought of more things you've been doing so I have to add them Mr.
- You wave Bye now and it's so freaking cute!
- You dance whenever there is music on or when we sing our little songs at night
- You love to play airplane with your dad- he holds you in his arms and spins you around and you make spitting noises
- You now definitly walk wayyyy more than you crawl. It actually seems funny when you crawl now
- You are now set for summer thanks to Gymboree, Gym Bucks, and your mom's obsession with baby shorts and polos. Seriously 3 trips there in the last 2 weeks. Can someone please tell me when this will stop and I'll go back to shopping for myself?!
- You're cutting more teeth and the nice thing about it is you will now sit on my lap for more than 30 seconds :) Perfect! The only time you cuddle with me anymore is when you sit with me and have a bottle. You're a little busy bodyyy. You also are chewing EVERYTHING. Your favorite toy is below.
- Your hair is getting long. Like long in the back so do you need a hair cut?! I don't know. I really don't know how this works. You also need it trimmed around your ears bc it's starting to grow out. I really don't want to waste little trims on your first hair cut. What's a girl to do?!
- We had a play date with Quinn and Grey and she gave you a very cute kiss right on the lips. Thennn when Neena was leaving you leaned forward and gave her a kiss bye! So cute! I love it, you and Grey are getting to the age that you can play and interact. You're not just Baby Gavin who sits in a car seat all day. Aww big boy :(
I think that's it for a little mini-update. I really need to come back through and add pics. Maybe later. This is all for now kids. Now this girl needs to go to bed for her first work trip of the semester!! And my goal- be at the gym by 6:00 tomorrow. Boooo. Usually I go at night but I'm switching things up now that work is about to get crazyyyy. Can't wait!
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