Monday, July 25, 2011

It just keeps getting better!!

Can I just say I'm one of those moms who is already sad about the thought of my son marrying a woman and not needing his mom as much?! It makes me want to cry thinking that someday Gav won't be my little baby who I get to cuddle and snuggle and kiss every single moment I want to. It doesn't make it better that EVERYONE who sees us reminds me about how quickly it goes? Ok so I'm clearly crazy. THAT being said. It really does just keep getting better and better. It's to the point where I'm really enjoying every new thing that Gav does, and I'm not so sad about my babes getting bigger and older because that's going to bring along a lot more new and fun things. It's like I had this major epiphany and now I can rest at ease :) Ha. Well somewhat. I still hate bumping him up to the next clothes sizes, but that's ok since I squeeze every last bit of him into the ones we have. I also feel bad because we recieved a TONNNN of clothes during his baby showers, and after he was born so I hate knowing that there are some he'll never wear. Ok. I guess if that's the biggest dilemma I'm facing with him right now than I shouldn't complain.

We had such a great weekend!! Saturday we went shopping for new clothes for me since my sales meeting is a week from today! Yikes! The thought of leaving my son for 4 days is sickening. Booooooo. I left him in the nursery at church for the first time this week and literally walked back in tears, to the point where my husband had to keep hugging me so I could pull it together. Gavin you have EVERY right to be so embarrassed of me. I'll get better. I promise. We then left church and went to our friend's house for the night. We spent the night there and little Gav slept until 10 the next morning!! Although I should have woked him a little sooner since he was SO soaked!! His little onsie was drenched, his blanket, the blanket he laid on, and their pack and play. Oops! You were just so snuggly I couldn't wake you! Apparently hanging out with his little future wifey Quinn just wore that boy right out! Gavs how fun will it be to look back on this when you're married and see that I knew it all along?! Although we just need to hope she's into younger guys :) We then spent the next day with them, and then collapsed because we were so tired. It's not like we really did anything?! Well Bry helped move furniture and did actual work but I did nothing. It was nice having a laid back day though and much needed.

Now off to a new work week! We're going to be busy visiting bookstores, and have a couple lunches set up with different professors so it should be a fun one! Although it's getting harder going out with Gav since he hates laying down and just wants us to hold him so he's standing up and then he bounces. Which is cute but not when you're trying to have a conversation with someone. It can be a bit distracting, so hopefully everything goes great!

Ok good job me. I am getting much better at being consistant here. Although it's only been this one time, but here's to the next! :)

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