Thursday, June 30, 2011

World's Longest Post...but LOTS has happened what can I say?!

...Happy 5 Years to my Brybear...

Last weekend Bry and I celebrated our Big 5 year anniversary!! It was honestly the best weekend ever and sooo much needed! Bryan's parents took our little Gavs for the night, which can I just say is getting easier?! Well kind of. I did great at first and then on Sunday I got a litte teary when a girl walked by with the same stroller as Gav's and I just wanted him there with me. Not to mention the few calls I made Bryan make to check on him through out the night. BUT it was a MAJOR improvement from last time! Progress right?! I'm not sure how I'm going to go 4 days without him next month while I'm in FL for work, but at least this is prepping me a litttttle bit for it.
Anyways...Friday night Bryan came home from work with flowers and a really nice card. I have to say I'm not a big "card person" but I loved this one. He wrote the sweetest things ever and it was just so special. It's now hanging proudly on my refridgerator :) He told me to hurry up and get dressed bc we had dinner reservations, for the two of us and our little man. I knew it was going to be a GREAT night because when trying to figure out what to wear I threw on my pink BCBG dressed that I bought last year, thinking there is no way this is going to fit, why am I doint this to myself?! But guess what?!?!?! It Fit!!! Granted it's not like how it fit last year at this time, BUT it zipped and felt really comfortable! I tried it on a few weeks ago and there was nooo way that zipper was going to make it to the top, but this time it zipper right up! wooo hooo!!

I wanted Gav with us Friday which was our actual anniversary so the 3 of us got dressed, and went to Troppo's which is one of our favorite restaurants in Lansing. We ordered the calamari (which is my favorite thing there!! SO good!), had a few cocktails and wine, and then I had the best shrimp and scallops of my life. Yummm so good, it also came with polenta which I love! Bry then said don't order desert I've already taken care of it. So we leave and Bryan gets a box out of the back of his car which had Sugar Shack Cupcakes in it- my favorite dessert spot in Lansing! I haven't had one since I've been preggo which is a wonder bc I've been craving them foreverrr but yummm they were so good! He got both chocolate mint and chocolate peanut butter. I could only eat half bc wow they are so sweet. How did I put down a full one ever?! That's just insane. Thennnn on the way home he turns the wrong way, and got annoyed bc by this time I just wanted to be home out of my dress in comfy clothes and snuggled up. Instead he pulled into one of the parks in our town and pulled right up to the river. Then he pulled out a little box out of his jacket pocket, and the man bought me new pandora charms (inc one with Gav's birthsone on it that I LOVE!) and another pandora bracelet so I can begin filling up another, since after all the new charms he bought mine "old" one is finally full!! Wooo hooo. Love it and I for once was totally surprised.

Then the next day, we met Bry's parents in Holland, and we stayed at the City Flatts Hotel, which is really nice and modern. I really liked it! I've never been to Holland before but it's near the beach and is SUCH a cute little town with tons of little boutiquey shops and restaurants.

When we first got there we ate on the roof at the bistro in the hotel, and had some drinks and split a realllly good flat bread pizza. Then we left and walked around and went to a few of the shops. I was getting a little hungry and Bry wanted to try the New Holland Brewery so we eventually stopped there and had more drinks and split a really good appetizer with tons of different cheeses, proscuitto, salami, bread, crackers- SO good! It really was the perfect little snack :) Although it really was huge and I probably ate wayyy more than I should have! But that's what celebrating is all about right?! The weather was perfect so the front of the restaurant was completely opened up so it felt like we were sitting outside which was really nice. We then left and went across the street to the Irish Bar and had you guessed it- a few more drinks! Granted I was sober sister all night, not sure how that happened?? BUT it was nice just spending time with My Bry, and waking up the next morning I felt perfect! We left here were asleep by midnight and slept through 11:00 the next day!! First of all, since when do I have a night out and I'm back by midnight, and second of all I haven't slept in that late since college. Wow I'm old!! Gav what have you done to me?! Ha

On the Roof with my Squinty Brybear
Bry's VERY well thought out beer sampler. You would
think he was making a major life desicion when it came to this.

The next morning we checked out and then walked to town and had breakfast and the best breakfast place everrrr. I seriously could go back right now just for the toast and eggs and I'm not a breakfast person. Wayyy to go windmill restaurant! :) We ordered a TON of food, but let's just count it as breakfast and lunch so I dont feel like such a gluttonous person! Then we had a little over an hour to kill so we went to a few more shops, but some things for ourselves and a book for Gav. (It's called the Human Race by Jamie Lee Curtis- who knew?! But it's soo cute!! It's all about running and different people, it's a great Children's book and I had to get it for him). From there we went to Kilwins and I had cake batter ice cream in a M&M waffle cone...Clearly I was not counting calories this weekend, but I loved every minute of it!! I wish everrry weekend was like this. Ok no I don't. I couldn't handle EVERY weekend away from you Gav. That would be a little tooo much for this girl. You're just too fun to be around what can I say?!

Breakfast of Champions

One of the "Few" calls checking on our bambino
 Amazzzingly good ice cream. Don't mind my face. Or high hair for that matter.

Anyways this weekend goes in the books as one of the Best. Weekends. and Anniversary. Ever. Last year we were laying on the beach in Jamaica sipping on cocktails out of coconuts, and this year we were in good old Holland, MI. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. We decided we're goign to do weekend aways ever other month. Even though it's always hard to be without ya Gavs, I think it's good for your mom and dad! :)

Ok...Enough about Us!!

LOTS Of big things happened in the world of Mr. Gavs this week! First- we found a daycare that I LOVE!! Well, love as much as I can for being a daycare, and knowing that means I won't be spending ever second with my little man... Boooooo!! Last week Bry and I spent the day doing the daycare circuit :) We went to a few centers, and homes and ultimatly decided on a daycare that is based out a home. It's less than a mile away, and the lady who runs it is so great and the house it really nice. Basically they built on to their house, and the addition is built specifiically for her daycare.

Gav will be the youngest, which I like so he won't be competing for attention from other babies and she understand that as a first time mom I'm so nervous adn want to make sure he gets lots and lots of love :) She has 3 assistants all of which know CPR/first aid, etc and they work with the babies and kids so they don't just sit there, they actually teach them which is so important to me. He'll get tummy time, nap time, story time, and lots of snuggles- perfect!! When he gets older she cooks the kids healthy breakfasts and lunches which will save me time, and make life easier. She also takes them on field trips a few times a year (the parent's of one of the kids owns Jumpin Jax in Lansing so they go there quite a bit). She also has a huge outdoors with tons of bikes, toys, and a little kids push roller coaster. It's all fenced in with high fences which I also liked so no creeps could stare in. (I watched the Lovely Bones a few wks ago and now I'm paranoid of people watching kids, etc...I'm crazy I know! Ha!). Literally we walked in and met her and I knew that "this is the place!" She made us feel really comfortable and told me I could swing by anytime to see him. It's a little pricey but it's worth it for my Gav and my own peace of mind. Plus I like it SO much better than the centers. I literally started getting teary in one of them because it reminded me of a baby mill and wayyy to cold and structured. The one we found is really great, and it feels like a family, which makes me feel so much more at ease and less stressed out about this whole situation. Gav I have no doubt you're going to be in SUCH great hands, and I can't wait until your old enough to come home and tell me how much fun you had and all about your little friends :)

Although how can I not miss my little BFF?!

We have a big boy on our hands!!!

The last two days you have grown up so much Gav!! Two nights ago you slept in your crib all night all by yourself for the very first time! We gave you a bath, which is the cutest thing ever because you now LOVE your bath and just smile and laugh. So cute! Anyways. We gave you a bath, got you in your jammies, and then I laid you in your crib and just patted your back and you fell right asleep! I kept watching you on the baby monitor and I wanted to run upstairs and grab you to snuggle but your dad wouldn't let me. You slept there without a peep until 2:30 which then your dad gave you a bottle, and put you back in your crib!!! You then slept until 6, when your little belly was hungry again, and then slept again until about 8:30ish. Way to go you!!!! THENNNN. Even bigger news! Last night, you slept in your crib again, and your dad put you in there about 11:00, I think?! (I was actually sleeping on the couch and apparently when your dad woke me up to tell me to go to bed I was reallllly crabby?! I don't believe it for a minute. Ha!) This morning, I rolled over, looked at my clock and saw it was 8:00. I asked your pops what time he fed you at, and he said he didn't...wait, what?! I got a little nervous thinking something was wrong, esp since the video monitor wasnt by my bed, and next thing I know, your father walked in holding, a verrry cute and snuggly little Gavin!! You Slept through the WHOLE night!!! Can you please do that again tonight Mr. Bigboy?! Part of me is really sad because I feel a little less needed, but the other part of me really liked getting a full nights sleep, and not having to worry about tripping over you in the middle of the night since you normally sleep in your bouncy or the top of the bassinett's changing pad...shhhh. that's probably not a good thing?! Either is the fact you'll only sleep on your stomach, but if that's how you're comfortable, and as long as you don't have blankets by your face, I'll let ya do it. Just don't tell your Dr. ok Gaveyman?!

Ok the Diaper Changer isn't as bad as it sounds- You love it Gav!

Your first night sleeping in your big boy crib!!
So grown up!!

And that's it!! How about next time I learn not to save EVERYTHING up and split it up a bit so it's not a crazy long novel?!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sleeping Baby and a Glass of Wine

So Gavey is sound asleep so what's this momma doing?! Sitting here drinking a glass of cabernet and enjoying every single second of this peace and quiet :) Gav- your mom REALLY does love hanging out with you alllll day everrrryday but, a time or two to myself when I'm home is sometimes nice. You like to be held and snuggled and this girl lifted a little too much yesterday and I'm feeling it today, so I'm enjoying my little break!

...Our First Father's Day...

Sunday we celebrated our first Father's Day!! Well we actually celebrated the whole weekend...that's how we do things around here. So Friday night we went out for a nice dinner, and took Gaveypants with us, and ate wayyy too much food. Then Saturday we spent the whole day together as a family, I gave Bry all of his father's day gifts which included Bob Marley CD, Mumford and Son CD, and a book all about beer to go with his little keggerator I got him for his bday, we just hung out the 3 of us all day which waws GREAT!! Then we hit up Riv's Sat service since we were goign to be out of town on Sunday, and we came home then our friends surprised us by calling and stopping over. We had a great time with them as always but I accidently drank a wholllle bottle of Skinnygirl Margartias Oops! I guess it was going down a little too easy! Then Sunday we went to Bryan's parents and spent the whole day there with his family. We had a great time, we  it was ncie to go see his parents at their house since we haven't been there in SO long. We ordered Spanky's pizza and breadsticks, and just hung out. When we got home on Sunday night we were so exhausted so we just watched a movie and went to bed. Thankfully Gav was exhausted and slept really great for us- so thank you for that Mr. Man.!!

Bry's Dad gave him this shirt, and he wore it proudly!!

This is the cutest shirt says "My Pop is the coolest"
Gav wore it with style! Cutey little boy!!

...Mommy Rage...

Gav and I get up and go to the gym every morning so we can for one, get out of the house, and for two get back in shape. Well yesterday I walk into the baby care area (they will watch him for 1 hour in the morning while I'm working out, and 1 hour at night until he's 6 months old...then it goes up to 2 hours- which would be great so I could actually have time to hit up the Steamroom and shower before I come home). Anyways. I walk in yesterday and there are seriously a million kids in there. One little boy Max, ran up to Gavin when I was signing him in, and started rocking his car seat really hard. I put my hand out and nicely said, "no, no we don't touch baby Gavin", so he looked at me and took his little plastic toy animal and threw it at Gavey's little head!! I never wanted to pick up another child and throw them so bad in my life. Thankfully one of the workers came and pulled him away and yelled at him, but seriously?! The funny thing is, when I was working out, the director came and got Max's dad and told him that he needed to go because he wasn't listening. Ha! What now, how about you go home and teach him not to throw things at my son. Ughhhh. But then, I got to thinking what if My Gav is ever the bully?! I hope I'm not one of those mom's who believes there child does no wrong, because that won't help Gav out at all in the long run. It made me really think about discipline and, how we're going to handle different issues as they come up. It was nice to talk to Bry about it because we're both on the same page about everything. I just REALLY hope I'm not an overbearing, overprotective mom, but I think I just might be...Watch out Gav, now is a fair warning. But, trust me that I will work on it, and try my hardest not to be, because I don't want to be "That" mom. 

Gav don't worry, no one will ever hurt your cute little face.
Mom and Dad will protect you. Always. Lucky you! :)

...Mommy Guilt...

I hope this gets easier and I get over it but I'm already feeling sooo guilty about putting Gav in daycare. All the girls I talk to at the gym reassure me that it's ok and that it's good for him, but I hope he doesn't feel abandoned. Yesterday when we were at the gym, they had to come get me bc Gav wouldn't stop crying. They couldn't figure it out, and either could I because he really NEVER cries when he's there or really when he's out in public. He normally just sits there and looks around. I walked in to pick him up and wanted to cry bc he was sticking out his little lip with tears streaming down his face. Ok I'll admit it, I got choked up when I was teling Bryan about it! I'm weak!! Ha! Anyways. he stopped the minute I took him, and he did the same thing the other night when my friend who's been around him a million times was holding him. I just feel like he's afraid I'm going to leave, or that he'll be alone, or something crazy like that?! I've heard of mommy guilt before but never thought I'd be feeling it already. The thing is, I'm still going back to work. I honestly love my job so much and I love being out of the house that I really don't think I could ever be a stay at home mom. A mom that I'm becoming friends with at the gym, is going through the same thing so it makes me feel so much better that I'm not alone. She can admit it's bc she likes money too much, and I have to say I'm also used to a certain lifestyle and going down to just one income would mean changes that I really don't want to make, is that bad?! Gav I hope you don't take it the wrong way. I just want your dad and I to be able to give you a great life with lots of nice things, and I honestly think daycare will be good for you too. You'll meet lots of new friends, learn independance, and get some time away from your crazy mommy :)

...Our Anniversary Weekend...
Finally can I just say I'm sooo pumped for this weekend!! It's our anniversary- the big FIVE years! I can't wait to see what Bry's planned. I know he was originally going to have his parents here on Friday-Sat to watch Gavin, and then have our friend's Nate and Neena take him Sat-Sun but I told him let's just do Sat-Sun and have his parents out. Our friends have 2 little ones themselves, they don't need Mr GavPants keeping them up all night. Plus he has to work a couple hours on Saturday so Friday would have to be low key anyways. So I think the 3 of us will go to our favorite restaurant, either Troppos or Dusty's on Friday night, and then we're spending the night in GR on Sat night. I know he made dinner reservations somewhere, and I have a new dress and can't wait to have a night out on the two in GR! It's been SO long!! Then next year we're going to go away for a week somewhere tropical and fun since this is the big five and we have to stay close by. Which Gav- is totally fine. I would not survive a week away without you, I need a year to prepare myself for anything like that. and hopefully I will be able to do it, even then!! When did I turn into such a clingy mom?!

I love you BryyBry!! Can't wait to see what the next year
has in store for us!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

My favorite Bear in the World. Bryyybear.

...Happy Birthday to My Bry...
The Best Hubbster, Daddy-O, and BFF I could ask for

Happy Belated Birthday to my favorite person in the world, Bryan!! Granted your bday was yesterday, but since we spent the whoooole day together I didn't get a chance to write this. Gavin- you have the best dad in the whole wide world, and in case you ever forget it, here are all the reasons why your mom loves him more than anything. Besides you. Ok, let's just call it an even tie, K?! :)

Bry- since you turned the big 2-9, I figured it only appropriate to list 29 reasons why you're the best!! Let's hope I don't have trouble thinking of 29?! Ha kidding! I bet I could go on forever...On most days :)

1. You are a great dad!! You never ONCE complained about your lack of sleep, getting up in the middle of the night even when it's supposed to be my turn, changing his diapers, or coming right home from work only to have a baby to take care of the rest of the night because I'm exhausted.
2. You're mine and Gavin's biggest fans!! You've never once told me I couldn't do something. You always believe in me and support me regardless of what the new crazy idea is that I want to do. Or want us to do :)
3. You help out so much around the house, probably doing wayyyy more of your share of the housework when I'm busy with work or now busy with Gavin...I did clean the kitty litter for the first time in 11 months the other day so I deserve a little credit for that
4. You cover my eyes, or change the channel whenever there is something scary on TV. Which with me is constantly since everything scares me.
5. When I was pregnant you bought me an elliptical because I couldn't run anymore and felt like I was going through a bad break up with running!
6. You run with me! Well more so before Gaveypants came along, but as soon as he's strong enough to hold his head up, we'll be throwing him in the Bob, and hitting the road together again. I cannnnn't wait!!
7. You love going to church, even on Sundays when I want to stay in bed, you convince me to go...and I always appreciate it after!
8. You rescued Chig, even though she has crazy eyes, and is a little psycho looking...You're a sensitive one Bryan Less!
9. You love Sushi and love taking me on sushi dates!
10. You will do anything to make me happy! Whether it be rearranging furniture in my office and making it look horrible bc you think that's what I want, or going grocery shopping with me because I hate going, you'll do it and you never complain.
11. You stood around for 4 hours (and 45 minutes to be exact!) when I ran my marathon, and was the first face I saw when I crossed the finish line...and you tell me that I'm going to do it again, even when running 2 miles seems hard after Gav!
12. You always have our best interest in mind regardless of what the situation is
13. You take care of the bills so I never have to think/worry or even look at them...which is good because I hate nonsense like that
14. You are one of the funniest people I know...although usually it's when you're not trying to be.
15. You love shopping with me! Or at least pretend to. I think you do though!!
16. You buy cologne from the little lady at Macy's because you felt bad for her, and wanted to make her day. That's so cute! Or it makes you a sucker...which one is it?! Ha. Kidding.
17. You're a good dresser. With the exception of what you wore on our first date. Apparently you thought you were going to a funeral Mr. All Black!
18. You open the door for me whether it be the car door, or doors in general because I hate germs.
19. You're really smart, which is good bc I'm common sense smart but not book smart. We balance each other out! :)
20. You love my gram as much as I do!
21. You never get mad at least not that I know of? You better not be bottling it all up only to go psycho one day. I think I watch one too many 20/20's.
22. You are the complete opposite of me which is a good thing, otherwise oh man. I don't even want to think about if we were the same. Yikes! Ha!
23. When you burp (gross) you walk in another room, or blow it away from me...Ok this sounds so gross to write out, but I appreciate it since I get soooo disgusted by things like that.
24. You have the best smile and the most gorgeous eyes..."they are like diamonds in the sky". HAHAHA! You will never live that one down.
25. You carry ALL the books I get from work up to my office or to my car, and help me when I have presentations by loading everything for me the night before so I don't have to.
26. You let me celebrate my birthday for a whole month, even though yours is 6 days later and I still want to celebrate mine.
27. You are a hard worker, and do very well at what you do!
28. You have nicknames for everything and everyone which I find hysterical...although the one time when I was pregnant and you called me butterball will never be forgotten. Forgiven MAYBE but not forgotten.
29. and finally...because I know you will always be here for me and Gav and that is the best feeling in the whole world :)

Happy 29th Birthday BryyyBear! Can't wait to see what the next year brings, and celebrate the Dirty 30 with you Old Man!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ok Time. You can Slow down now.

Happy 2 months to you Gaveypants!! Well granted your birthday was yesterday, but your mom is horrible and thought you were born on the 10th not the 9th!! Oops! Good thing your dad is around, otherwise we might need to pull out the birth certificate every year so we know when to celebrate. Thankfully I did unknowingly take a pic of you on your 2 month bday Mr. Big Boy!!

Two Month Well Baby Appointment:

Today you had your 2 month check up, and you took it like a champ!! Even though your mom was a bit of wreck since you had to get your first round of shots. Boooo!!! Granted, if it means they're going to keep you healthy I'm all for it!! You did SO good, your dad came for part of your appt but then had to go back to work, I'm glad he was there to help give me my moral support :) When they gave you your shots, you screamed the saddest scream in the world, then settled down the minute I picked you up and snuggled. You were even smiling and cooing within a minute of your last shot- I'm so impressed!! You must get your toughness from your dad, and I'm so proud of you!

Right after your Shots My little Champ

Your weight: 12.95 putting you in the 75th percentile
Your height: 24 inches long putting you in the 80th percentile
Your head: I don't remember the exact inches but you were in the 50th

You also hold your head up as good as a 4 month old, and can stand up very well because you're such a strong little baby!! You'll be going for runs with your mom and playing football and soccer with your dad in no time! Although maybe it's better we don't run together. I get mad when your dad can run longer/faster then me because I get competitive, and I might get the same with you?! Ha. Just kidding. Maybe.

We can also start you on some fruits and veggies if you act hungry and want to try them...although I'm a nervous wreck about everything and think we'll hold off on that for a little while :)

SO many Firsts!!

Since the last 6 week posts we've done so many new things like...
  • Went camping with our friends and your little girlfriend Quinn over Memorial Weekend in Indiana. It was SO much fun hanging out, having some drinks by the fire, going to the beach, surviving the craziest storm I've ever been in which knocked out the electric for the whollllle day. We even went to the Satek winery which was SO good, and came home with 6 bottles of wine. The Mango wine, wow amazing! I hate fruit wine, but I loooove the Mango! Yum. I actually might pour myself a little glass this afternoon since it's sooo gross and rainy!!
Hanging out our first night

My First Trip Wine Tasting...I wasn't too impressed

Snuggling with Dad at the campsite!

  • You went on your first overnight without us, and stayed with your grandparents the first weekend in June so your dad and I could have a night out on the town for my bday. I was a wreck though. How am I ever going to let you go off to school and college? I might have to go with you, I don't like you being away from me for so long!! I was a wreck the night before you went, the hour before you left, and the whole time you were gone. Your dad and I are pathetic and had to watch videos of you and look at pictures while we were out with friends that night. Yikes! You can be embarrased of us, I would be.
  • You now go to the Y a few times a week, and hang out with Miss Patty and Grandma Jan and your new buddy Vincent. They all love you since you're the youngest, and in my opinon the cutest!! :) We had to exaggerate on your age a bit since you have to be 2 1/2 months, but that's ok. You;ve got to do what you've got to do! Although I Don't condone lying or exaggerating, so don't do it with me. I always find out. Trust me.
  • You now "talk" and smile all the time. I love it! You're seriously the happiest little guy ever in the morning after we feed and change you. You seriously just smile and laugh and talk and I love it! It's my favorite time of the day, just snuggling and smiling :)

Morning Cuddles time

I guess that's it for the BIG firsts!! A BIG first for me, is I started running again!! Woo hoooooo!! I tried at 6 weeks and it hurt SOO freaking bad. Ugh. But when I was at the Y the other day I did a half hour on the eliptical and thought I'd TRY and run again to see how it felt...I was a little sore but I could push through it and ended up running 1.2 miles!! The next day I did just .60 of a mile because well for one I thought Gavman was crying in the baby area (there are windows so I can see him)...I'm a loser and I constantly am peeking in, partly to see how he's doing, and the other part so everyone in there knows I just had a baby and realizes I'm carrying baby weight, not just chub. Ha!

I always thought I was 100 percent ready to be back at work, and now the more I think about it, the more sad I'm getting to think about putting Gav in daycare. I really don't want to at all :( I'm going to miss him so much I could literally cry just thinking about it. He's my little bff and as much as somedays I would give anything to get out of the house in under 20 minutes without changing, feeding, burping, etc a baby, I wouldn't trade it for anything right now. We're looking at Appletree in East Lansing, they even have "apple cams" so I can hop on the computer and log-in and actually see how he's doing. They also teach baby sign, and he's assigned one care giver which makes me feel so much better. The only downside is, it's not in our town and I'd like something a little closer...I have a couple people who are e-mailing their friends in our town to get a few recommendations for me that I'll also look in to. As much as I hate the thought of putting him in daycare, I have to be honest and say I'm not the stay at home mom type. I think I'll be a better wife AND mom if I can get out of the house, do my job, feel productive, close some business, make money, and talk to people all day :)

Although it will be hard to leave this cute little snuggly monkey

Ok I think this is one lonnnnnng update! Hopefully I don't go so long in between next time :) I say that but I probably will. At this rate you will have 1 page in your baby book when I print this out for your bday...whichever day it is! Ha. Love you GavGav.