Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lots to catch up on...Here we go!!!

I should probably start at the beginning of this whooole crazy new chapter in my life! Gavin is the best thing ever but wow have these last few months been a complete whirlwind. Seriously, people talk about how a baby can change everything, but I never FULLY realized this until after my little bambino waas here!! It's been a definite adjustment, with lots of smiles and tears (from both Gavin and me!!) along the way but we're finally figuring out how this whole mom/son/parenting/sleep deprivation thing works! Seriously the biggest thought I could hold on to after he was first here was, if the mom's on Teen Mom can do this. I can do this! And now I can honestly say everything has pretty much fallen into place and I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life.

...Surprise!! We're having a baby...
First of all Gavin was a surprise little baby. I was in the process of traning for the Chicago Marathon and was actually in Chicago for my Sales Meeting right before I found out the BIG news!! I went with a group of friends from my district to the Kid Rock/Bon Jovi concert the night before finding out. We were literally like 5th row right next to the stage, having the night of our lives, driving around Chicago in a limo, and being out drinking champagne in the bars until 4 am. I personally can't think of a better "last night" out, and it was with some of my favorite people :)

A few of the girls I work with the next day swore I was pregnant because I didn't feel good on the way home. My pants felt tight, we walked into a McDonalds and I felt sick, and I was so exhausted. I thought they were crazy because I really didn't think I was at all, so when I got home I didn't think to take a pregnancy test. I came home to my husband and slept to recover from the meeting, and woke up the next day to get ready for church. I quickly remembered while getting ready the conversation that I had that I might be pregnant. I took a pregnancy test just for the heck of it and walked away not thinking anything of it. I walked back in to see the results, and it was a definite positive!! I took 3 more and sure enough, everyone was positive. We went to church and I was literally in such shock we had to leave church because I was crying and freaking out so bad. I wasn't sure what my problem was, but I'm now coming to conclusion, I'm just not good with suprises! Once I had time to adjust the celebrating began but, it took about a week...or 10!

...Life as a Preggo...

I wish I could say I was one of those girls who loved everything about being pregnant, but I totally didn't. It's not that I hated the fact I was pregnant, I just hated the fact I was getting sooo big, and uncomfortable. With my job I'm on my feet a ton walking around campuses, up and down stairs, and carrying around a big bag and laptop. When you're carrying around all that extra baby weight, it made it a bit more challenging! It made me wish I had a job sitting behind a desk, but then again it's probably better I didn't because I would probably have blew up twice the size that I did. The nice thing was, I've been in my territory as a sales rep for a few years now so it was fun having so many of the people and professors I work with so excited for me. Although those professors and students who did not know me I swear would smile and give me encourarging looks like, "Good job coming back to school to make a better life for you and your baby!!". Which is totally fine for everyone who does that, but I already have my degree, and I was there for my job. Anyways I will def not miss those looks!! Being pregnant did give me such a hugggge appreciation for my husband Bryan. He was SO great to me. He never once got annoyed with my whining about how big I felt, or how much I hated waddling or missed my old clothes. He would always go on Meijer runs for me regardless of the time of day or night to get me Lemonade, everything to make the perfect root beer float, milk with chocolate syrup, and chocolate chip cookie dough...Yum! I miss those days! He also would never compalin about me waking him up in the middle of the night to ask for him to roll me over, or pull me up so I could waddle to the bathroom for the 300th time. He really is the best guy ever and I'm so lucky. I will have to remember to re-read this next time he bothers me so I can remember just how great he really is! Just kidding Brybear. You never bother me :) Ha

...The Most Painful but hands down best day of my life...

 I ended up going to the hospital on April 7th and having him on April 9th. I was induced because I ended up having pre-eclampsia (which is why I was a swollen hot mess). As soon as we arrievd at 6pm on Thursday the Dr's gave me Cytadek (sp?) to help get the contractions going since I wasn't dilated at all. Dr. Schoenmaker came in and kept checking me every hour and although the contractions were strong I wasn't dialating and my labor wasn't progressing. He then began the pitocin which they kept upping, and my contractions started to become unbearable. After 24 hours they checked me again and I was only dialated to a 3, after 24 hours of induction! I was so frustrated and exhausted since my body was being forced in to labor, but nothing was happeneing. I was physically under so much stress from the pitocin and contractions that I began shaking uncontrollably and this lasted on and off through my whole labor. Going in I was determined not to get an epidural, but finally after 24 hours, a nurse came in and told me to stop trying to be a hero and that I should try and get it to keep me and the baby safe. I finally agreed, and I have to say the first 20 minutes after getting it were amazing...I think if I ever have another we will jump right to the epideral because it made life SO much better!! Although they failed to tell me I had to push the button to give myself more meds, so it quickly wore off and when it was time to push around 2 that morningI felt everything. They came back in to give me more but by then it was too late for the drugs to kick in. I ended up starting to push at 2:30 and Gavin was here by 6:09. It was one of the most exhausting and painful experiences in my life but I can honestly say I would do it again in a heartbeat if I needed to in order to have my little Gav. The pain literally was replaced with complete fear when the first words I heard Dr. Barton say was "as you can see the cord is wrapped around his neck. Let's not begin recessetation!!" Waiting to hear Gavin's cry was the longest minute in my life. Once I heard it, I could finally relax and Bryan went over, cut the cord and held him for this first time.

...A few things worth mentioning...then I'm done. promise!...

-He literally has the biggest feet and longest fingers and toes ever. He's like a little sloth with these long jabby fingers! Ha. The Dr said after he was delivered and the pediatrician said at his first appt that he has the biggest feet they've ever seen on a baby. Yikes. Hopefully he doesn't hit that awkward stage with huge feet and a small body really early!!

-He is the most alert little baby ever. He's been "awake" and looking around since 2 weeks old. He loves staring at things, especially his daddy! He literally cannot keep his eyes off of Bry!

-He's a strong little guy. He can scooch on his belly, and roll to his side which he's been able to since 2 weeks. I want him to be a little professional athlete. Bryan says he'll be a dancer! Ha! Not my boy. Not going to happen. What's more disturbing is the fact Bry thought that before athlete...hmm..

-He sleeps through the night pretty well. He only wakes up to eat and then falls back to sleep. Most people are against having your baby in bed, but Gav falls asleep right on our stomachs and it's the sweetest feeling ever. That, and it saves us from getting in and out of bed whenever he's hungry. Maybe it's more of a lazy thing?! but it works for us!!


1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwww!! I love all of this! A bunch of my other friends that have hated blogs and then have babies have done the same thing. I think it's like the escape time! I love it!
