Saturday, May 14, 2011

I'm becoming Normal again!

This is the first week where I really finally felt like a normal person! We're getting into a routine which is making my life So So So much easier! I've been going to bed around 10:00 each night, sleeping until 3 or 4, then I feed Gav, and he sleeps until around 9. I think the worst part of the last few weeks has been the sleep deprivation but now that I'm finally not feeling as tired, I can actually function and get up and get things done. I'm sure Bryan is much happier too. When I don't get enough sleep I'm crabby, whiny and I cry so it's good for all of us when I'm not overly tired!! :) I probably should work on that though...

Mothers Day!!

So I had the best Mothers Day ever!! Bryan let me sleep in, and took care of Gavin all day for me and made our house look amazing. We woke up and went to church, which I unfortunatly missed most of it since Gav was a hungry little guy so we had to sit in the entry area.. We then went shopping and out to dinner, the weather was great and it was nice just to hang out with my Brybear! I kept reminding him that you only get one first mothers day so I either wanted a Louie or a Tiffany's bracelet and he did even better. He bought me Rob Lowe's new autobiography (I'm so in love with that man..that applies to both Bry and Rob :), I also got 3 tiffany's bracelets that can be worn together, and the back one is DBG for obviously Dorelle, Bryan and Gavin, and he gave me flowers, even though I'm not a flower person these ones were cute, and the best thing ever was my favorite pepperidge farm chocolate fudge cake with red velvet ice cream. YUMMMM! Not bad for my first mothers day. Now let's see how he out does himself next year?! Ha. JK Bry. Everything was great and I loved it!!!

Play Dates and Crying Passengers

Gavin had his first play date with Madeline in Kalamazoo this week! It was SO great to see Heather, who if she's reading this right now is making fun of me for having a blog bc we always thought they were the dumbest things ever. Now here I am!!!! Ha! What else am I going to do that I said I never would?! Yikes. I don't want to know. Gavin was sooo good the whole time we were there, and then on the ride home he started screaming. I had no where to pull off so I had to let the little guy cry for like 20 minutes straight. I felt horrible. I finally pull over and he stops crying the minute I hop in the back with him to check him out and make sure he's ok. I swear he even gave me  little smirk but that could just be in my head?! So then thinking we're cool and ready to go, I jump back on the highway and he started screaming the rest of the way home....which was another 30 minutes. I'm not so sure I'm ready for a trip to NY all by myself yet?! It was one of the saddest most nerve wracking moments ever because I felt horrible that I kept on driving while he cried but I dind't want to keep pulling over or we'd never get home. Oooh Gavey pants!!


You know what's sad? I actually miss working!! When I talk to my friends Val and Jen I literally want to hear all about work and live vicariously through them!!!! Ha. What?! I think I need a hobby or I'm going insane sitting in my house. I mean I enjoy every minute with my little babe don't get me wrong but I guess I miss feeling overly productive. I will never be able to be a stay at home mom because I think I would drive myself, my son and my husband crazy. I'm not sure why I feel guilty about this, and it's nothing against Gavin, I guess I should feel lucky that I actually have a job that I love doing so much. One of the professors I work with made me feel better bc she said when she had both of her kids she couldn't wait to get back to work bc she wasn't the stay at home type either and I shouldn't feel bad. I'm sure I'll be a crying mess the first time I drop him off at daycare but the way I look at it, it's good for him to be around other kids and not be hanging out with his crazy mom all the time :)

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