- You talk non-stop and I love it! You can say complete sentences and have been able to do this for awhile. Dr. Spates said your a genius at your 2 year check up. I have to say I agree ;)
- Your favorite foods are: Hot Dogs, Chicken Nuggets, Frozen Chobani Yogurt, Pizza, and Macaroni and Cheese. I pray that you do not end up a obese child. Ahh! You eat terrible. You are starting to come around to bannanas and apples. Whew!
- You HATE milk. Once we stole your bottle from you, you haven't had a sip since. Awesome. You are on track to be obese with terrible bones. The good news is Calcium gummies, which I hope make a difference. I'm done buying Soy milk, Almond Milk, Chocolate Milk, Goat's Milk (Yes your dad so did that! Gross!), and Whole milk. We can't trick you into drinking it so I give up. You win.
- You are so in love with Juliette and I'm going to just say it. You two are probably going to get married. Owww Owww. You just need to start being nicer to Steven, you're kind of a bully to him. You say Yayy let's play with Juliette, not Steven momma. Ha! I bet you two will be BFF's before you know it.
- Your favorite shows are Curious George, Thomas, and Little Engine. You also love to sing the Super Why Song...so cute!! You yell "Super Why, Super Readers!!!!" I love it! What I don't love is you now say "George wants dinner Mommy", "George is tired", and make REALLY loud monkey shrieks and say that you're George.
- You think it's hysterical to SCREEEAM at the top of your lungs in the most blood curdeling noise you can possibly yell. It drives me crazyyy. But I laugh every time. Shoot.
- When you wake up in the night and want to get up you yell, "I Pooped mom, Change me Mom!" You trick me each time, because you know I won't leave you in a gross diaper. It's a dirty trick Gav Gav.
- My Favorite things you say, are..."Give me a hug Mom! I need a hug" and you run to me and wrap your arms around my neck so tight. I love it Gav. Please never stop. Ever. Then you sometimes say Give me Kiss! And give me the longest smoooch ever. I couldn't ask for more :) My other fav...is when you say snuggle with me mommy, let's snuggle. It melts my heart every time and no matter what I'm doing I will always drop it just to snuggle. You're the best Gav.
- You are a super fast runner and whenever I want to brush your hair, change your diaper, bring you inside, well really do anything that you do not want me to do, you run as fast as you can so I have to chase you. Funny when we're just hanging out, not so funny when I'm running late and need to get out the door.
- You love hanging out with Jackson and Carly...They're your little BFF's and you would hang out with them every minute of every day if you could. I try not to get jealous ;)
- You're a big kid...pretty much between a 2T and 3T, although I did squeeze you in my fav shirt this morning which was 12-18 months. I think it might look a little snug, but I needed you to wear it one last time. Think of it as a favor to me for getting up with you at 6:30 this morning so you could watch George and eat Yogurt.
- You are obsessed with your Cars, as in McQueen, Mater, Sally, etc. You have over 20 of the Cars thanks to your Poppa and Grammy and you love to lay each one out and then run over them with your monster trucks...You also say MONSTER TRUCK in a deep, somewhat creepy voice every time! Ha! All boy?! Yes I think so. I wouldn't want you any other way!
- Your new favorite "joke" is saying in a loud raspy voice, "DADDY'S CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!" Ha. I don't really get it, and I'm not sure why you think your Dad is a chicken nugget, but I laugh hysterically every time. This either says more about you, or the fact I have a strange sense of humor. I really don't get it why I find it so funny...but I do. Every. Time.
- You love to pray. And it makes me proud every time! Whenever we sit down to eat, you say, "let's pray." You fold your little hands, bow your head, and close your eyes. at the end you always yell Amen! It's so precious and so cute. I take back what I said before, this is my real favorite thing you do. Love you Gav.
- You're driving the car already and love it...We let you sit on our laps when we pull in the driveway so you can "Drive" the car in, or back it out so you have room on the driveway. Actually after typing this out it sounds very illegal and unsafe. If that's the case then I'll plead the 5th and say I'm just joking.
- You are obsessed with "Big Kids". Whenever you hear another kid, you get so excited and say, let's find the big kids! I want to play with the big kids! But...you still call yourself my baby, which I love. You will always be my baby, even when you are a big kid.
Your First Co-Ed Sleeper
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