Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I am a nervous wreck about running Bayshore this Saturday! There I said it. I feel like I put in my training, and I think I'm in better shape then I was the last time I ran this (I think in 2009? or was it 2010?)...I just know I totally hit the wall at mile 18 and I'm so scared of that happening again. Literally worst feeling. Ever. Well maybe tied with child birth. Your whole body cramps up. You feel dizzy. Want to puke. Tired. Angry. Hot. I could go on and on. Wow I'm sounding so positive! Yikes! I think I just need to hydrate better, not be afraid to have more than 1 Gu and not put so much pressure on myself. My goal this year is honestly to enjoy it. I'm proud of the hard work I put in, my long lonely runs in below zero tempertures, getting up early so I could be down with a 20 miler by 8:00 am, I'm ready!!

I have one more run before the race, and it's only 2 miles!! I just finished my 3 miler and even though my legs felt heavy and it was muggy, it was a good run. Well maybe not so much time wise. I'm not sure why my pace was 9:15 considering I should have been under 9 mm but it's done, and I'm ready to start my day. I think I'm just so sleepy, thanks to the little boy who is finally sleeping peacefully in his own crib.

I am developing this terrible habit with him where I don't let him cry at night anymore. If I hear him start crying I race up the stairs, pick him, and he says "Snuggle with mommy in mommy's bed"....ahh! What am I to do?! It's so cute and so precious and while I know this is so not what I should be doing, the other part of me loves every minute. Well at least the first 10 minutes. Then he freaks out if I even think about picking him up and moving him to his I let him sleep. Kicking me, elbowing me, rolling over me, pushing me, I could go on and on. Needless to say neither one of us gets the best sleep. Ugh! I need to put earbuds on and play on the ipad once I put him down to get him out of this habit. I need sleep. He used to be so good and going to bed until I started this. Darn it.

Alright, time to shower, and get back to painting...we are having new carpet installed next week and I had the brilliant idea of "quickly" painting all the trim in my house. Um yeah. Now Bryan had to buy new touch up paint for the rooms because there is no such thing in quickly painting trim. I should have hired someone. Live and learn, right?! I am officially retiring from painting after this project is done.

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