Ok well not really. But kind of. My new school year starts in a week and I'm honestly SO ready to get started! For those of you who don't know, I work on college campuses as an outside sales rep. When the semester begins again...so do I! I met with my manager last week and we spent a couple hours going over my 4th Quarter Plan. I'm pumped because I'm ready to close my year off strong and make my number. I want to be able to look back on Jan 1, and know I gave it all that I have. She also left me with a really great thought. "Pay attention to what and who you surround yourself with." I love this because it's so true! If you surround yourself with positive, motivated people, you too will most likely be positive and motivated. If you surround yourself with negative people, full of excuses, you will be that person. Such a great reminder.
With the "New Year" starting, I was thinking what better time to start this up again?! You would think since my summer is a little lower key I would have been blogging my life away. I think that I do better with this when I have a little more structure and motivation to sit at my computer. This summer has been such a CRAZY fun whirlwind!! Literally every time I think hmmm maybe I should jump on the old blog, I end up going outside for a run, playing with Gaveypants, hanging out with Bry and just relaxing and enjoying every minute. I think I also turn into a little anti-computer over the summer since I'm attached/live on it during the busy season. In some ways I'm kind of bummed because I feel like I missed keeping track of SO much!! But, I guess it's better now than never, right?!
We also have a few new BIG changes going on now that summer is coming to an end...
First. I think we're going to take our house off the market....and I have to say I'm pretty happy about this! Trying to keep it clean for showings when my Gavs is running around drinking the cat's water, throwing toothbrushes in the toilet, and pulling everything out of my cupboards is so stressful. Not to mention constantly cleaning the fingerprints off of the doors and mirrors, chasing the cats outside, and making sure our lawn is mowed, garage is clean and toys are back under the porch. I'm stressed just writing this. Ok. This doesn't mean we're going to turn into dirty dumpy people, but this does mean, I can relax and enjoy my house, my son and my family a little bit more. To be completely honest, I think we put our house on the market out of boredom. We were bored with our house, we want something newer/bigger, and it just seemed logical. But, you know what? We're not motivated in the sense that the thought of selling it, finding a new house, and moving is NOT what we want to do. I actually love my house and I want to be here a few more years. I want to turn the basement into a movie/play room, and redo the outside, and ENJOY our house. We've only been here a few years, and you know what, I'm not ready to leave the house that is our first family house. I'm still too attached :) Needless to say this is a huge relief, and I'm ready to take the for sale sign down, and not have to drive around DeWitt like a creep because I have people looking through my things. Now we just need to tell our realtor.... I think I'll leave that to
Bryan ;)
Next- Gavey baby is going to start "school" soon!! He was supposed to start this week but since Carly isn't going back to school right away, we get her for another 2 weeks. We've been SO lucky this summer. She watches Gavin and Jackson (his little BFF) at either my house or Natalie's house. It's so nice because the boys play so good together, Carly is great with them, and she will pick him up on the way, or come here and watch him. We've been beyond lucky this summer and a little too spoiled!! Since Cindy- Carly's mom who Gavey used to go to retired right before the summer was over, we needed to find a new one. He will be going to
Playhouse Child Dev Center in downtown DeWitt. When I went to check it out I LOVED it!! There is only 3 kids in the "toddler/baby room" and the most she will take is 6. They have the whole upstairs, and their own fenced in area to play outside away from the bigger kids. They also have a "light curriculum" where they read books, learn little lessons, play outside, etc. It costs a lot more than what we were paying but I think he's going to love it. Although...we may have another option. I swear I'm like a serial daycare dater in DeWitt BUT... I just found out that one of the people who go to Riv runs a daycare out of her home right down the road from me!! Her husband is the highschool football coach, teaches HS biology in DeWitt, and she watches Gavin in the nursery at Riv. I absolutly love her because she always comes up to Gavey and talks to him, and tells me how he's so good and that she loves watching him when she's in there. I mean seriously, who better to take care of him?! Ahh! I hope it works out. Plus the ironic thing is, one of my best friend's friend's (did you get that?!) sends her boys there. AND she only takes kids who's parents are teachers because she likes to have her summer's off...Um perfect, because we have Carly lin the summer! Ok I need to take a deep breath, because I only talked to her hubs about it today and he gave me her number to call tomorrow. I would just be beyond ecstatic if it worked out....If not, I'm still very very happy with our other choice. Either way, he'll be in great hands and one happy little boy :)
Alright well this wouldn't be an official update without any words on my Gavey Gavva...Ok so wait. To be honest I'm not sure where to even begin because it's been SO long since my last little update so let's try and give it a whirl:
- Your favorite word by FAR is No. Whenever you're asked a question, the answer is No. Gavin, are you a good boy? "No." Gavin, do you love momma? "No." Gavin, are we going to have a great day today? "No." Gavin, do you want to play with Jackson? "Yes". Such a stinker you are!!
- The only show you will watch is Yo Gabba Gabba. I'm not going to lie, I tried to get you into Bubble Guppies because I think they look so cute but you weren't having it. Granted it's not like you watch that much TV. Only when momma is trying to make dinner/breakfast or I try to squeeze in a few e-mails here or there... Shhhhh!! ;)
- Your diet consists of graham crakers, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, milk and water. Seriously that's it. You won't eat anything else. All you want is hot dogs and mac and cheese. Although, I did make zuchhini, onion, and cheese "cupcakes" the other day and you ate them rigth down! Woo Hoo!! I need to find more fun things like this that I can "trick" you with. Your dad's not a fan that I called them cupcakes though. He got his hopes up a little too much when he came in the door, and I told him I made cupcakes for dinner. :)
- If you could live at the park you would. You LOVE it. You love climbing up the slide. You literally get mad if you start to climb up and then you accidently slide down. Ha! You climbed up the huge curly slide the other day when we were there just the two of us. Hey Mr. Strong man- slow down!!
- You love to run!! If I say Gavin, let's run! You pick up your little knees and run as fast as you can. Seriously. So. Cute. You also still LOVE to kick the soccer ball all over the backyard, wrestle, and jump on me if I'm laying down for 2 seconds for a breather. You're 110% all boy! That's fo sho.
- Nothing makes you madder than when I get out my laptop and shut it if you get close. Holy temper freaking tantrum.
- When we walk places and you decide you don't want to do it anymore you stop and sit down, and then lay down. Take today while at church. I'm walking across the room trying to find your dad, and you decide to lay down on the ground and scootch on your back across the floor. While there are like 100 people trying to walk around you, and while I have my arms full with your sippy cup, diaper bag, blankey, and a cup of coffee. Thank you Gavin.
- You are a little talker. Everyone has been commenting on how much you talk now. It's so cute and I am constantly video taping you like a creeper. Your fav words are HIIIIII (really loud) and BYYYYEEE (REALLY loud and repeatedly) whenever you walk away from a person, the cat, a book, really anything. My favorite word that you say is Bubbles...Your dad always says Good night Bubbles, and you say Bubbles back.. He just does it so you say it but I'm afraid you're going to think "bubbles' means goodnight at this rate!!
- Whenever we put you down for bed, you yell BYEEE and then we shut the door and you say Bye another 4-5 times and we repeat it back. It melts my heart every time. Can we do this until you're 30 and still live with me?! Ha kidding. Unfortunatly. :(
- You sleep with 4 blankets. Three of these are little mini ones and you gather them up every night before you go to bed and have to snuggle with them during our Ba and Story time. Then you have your big star one that we cover you up with. You can't sleep without them. All four of them. (Although tonight I hid Mo-Mo your monkey little blanks so I could wash it without you seeing it.... Yesterday when dad tried washing your star one you kept taking it out of the clothes basket and when he put it in the washer you had a melt down. Yikes.
- Last time we went to the Dr's you were in the 100th percentile for height and I think 78th for weight. Such a big boy!!
Alright. This is a NOVEL. I guess that's what happens when you update this once a year :) It's now 11:30pm and I need to get some sleep...It is wayyy too late for this girl!! :)