Wow...I am the mommy to a ONE year old. Seriously Gavey where did this last year go?! We're packing up the bottles, my living room no longer has baby swings, play mats, or bumbos. Instead we have tents with tunnels, every kind of ball you can imagine, and baby gates to help keep you in one spot because you're constantly running through this house as fast as you can. We have to put the cat dishes on the counters, which you can now reach unless we push them to the back, you eat what we eat, (on the healthy nights! Ha!), and you could spend every minute of your life kicking the ball around the backyard if we let you. What happened to my little snuggly peanut?!
I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me a little sad that you're growing up and it's happeneing SO fast, but at the same time it makes me so proud and so excited for your future. You have such a big personality and you're really coming into your own little person. It's so fun to see. You love to laugh, and do things to make me laugh. When I laugh you laugh...which isn't always a good thing esp if it's when you're doing something your not supposed to! Oops! You also love to blow kisses and give kisses and wrap your arms around my neck and lay your head down. It's so sweet! All of these things you couldn't do a year ago, which makes me realize maybe you growing up isn't all that bad? Right? It makes me wonder what are you going to be doing a year from now?! I have to say I hope this next year goes by a littttle slower. I have a feeling it might seeing as the first 3 months of your life are a COMPLETE blur to me. I'm not going to miss the 10 feedings, midnight, 2am, 4am, 6am and on and on and on. I'm also not going to miss the spit up, big baby burps, and having to spend an hour making sure I have everything I need to take you to the grocery store for 10 minutes.
This last year our whole life has been turned upside down, but in the best way imaginable. I used to freak out if everything wasn't in it's exact spot in our living room and kitchen. Now I'm sitting here typing this and I see a soccer ball in the middle of the floor, we have a colorful tent with a tunnel to crawl through on the other side of me (which by the way I swore I would never let you have toys that were primary colors because they didn't match our living room! Ha I was crazy. I admit it), there is a huge bear next to the TV, and a shoe lying in the middle of the walk way. Granted I"m sure this will all be picked up before bed bc I haven't change THAT much but the fact I can sit here and look around at this somewhat chaotic mess says a lot :) I also would choose spending a weekend at home with you overnight a night out on the town anytime. When I go to the mall, my first stop is The Children's Place and Gymboree, and even though my house may be the "messiest" it's ever been, it's also the cleanest since I constantly have to vacuum and sweep your gold fish off the kitchen floor. (As cute as you are, I will never think smashing them up in a million pieces and then pushing them on the floor and laughing is cute... well not that cute ;) I could go on and on about how everything has changed, but it doesn't matter. It's the way our life is now and I wouldn't want it any other way. You're the greatest thing in my life and I am so proud of you Gavey.
So how did we spend YOUR big day?!
We had a Gavey Mommy Day!! I think we're going to do that every year, it was so fun. We started out with waffles topped with a scoop of ice cream and a candle. (Which by the way you wanted to grab so we blew it out and made a wish for you ;). Then we went to the gym where Emma and everyone yelled Happy Birthday Gavin and had your name on the big birthday calendar. From there we went to Play in EL and played with Stephen and Juliette. You seriously love that place. It was so nice because we had it basically to ourselves, so you were able to slide down the slide, run around with the big bouncy ball, walk over the little bridge and dance on the stage in the cutest little tutu! Ha! Your dad wasn't too happy with me but seriously I love little girl tutus and I don't have a girl to put them in so you my friend got to experience it. I think you liked it too. I promise I won't tell :) We then came home and you took a quick 45 minute nap, and we then played some more. When your dad got home we grilled out and you got to have your first little chocolate birthday cake with another candle. Which again, you had no idea what to do with it. But you LOVED the cake! Uh-oh I hope you don't have a sweet tooth like your daddy!! After dinner you were so tired we skipped the bath and you were ready for bed...and so was I! Wow we've had a lot of mommy gavey days together but for some reason this one I think tired me out more than you! Yikes!
Ok so this is kind of allll over the place. I was hoping I could think of something really great and insightful to write for your 1st bday but honestly I don't know where to begin or what to even write. So there you have it. Happy First Birthday Gavey Gaverson Godiva. We love you so much and I can't wait to see what the next year holds. I love you baby boy!
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Perfect gift from Val and Brian... Hooded Towel, a whole pail of sand toys and the box :) |
I cannot believe it's been a whole YEAR! It feels like just yesterday I was giving you tips for the delivery and praying I didn't freak out! I'm so happy that you have had such a wonderful year with such a beautiful little boy! I'm thinking maybe it's time to start thinking about....a little girl next???