Thursday, May 3, 2012

Random Little Catch Ups

Ok so I never printed this and had it bound into a little book...Go figure :) We'll just add that on to my to do's, that may or may not never get done. Ok scratch that. We'll put it on a little wish list. Perfect!

Soo what is new in the world of Mr. Gaveypants?! Well. Gavey Baby had his 12 month well baby check up and it's confirmed- you Mr are one big boyyy. You weigh I think 23lbs (it was a week ago the details are slipping...I'll double check later) and 33 inches long. That puts you in the 75th percentile for weight and 100th percentile or height. Yikes. The funny thing is, when I was 8 months pregnant my OB Dr Barton called it. He said you're going to have a tall baby. I thought he was kind of crazy because how would he know but he totally called it. You also had to get your little 12 month vaccines- ugh that gets harder and harder for me! To hear you scream and see tears rolling down your face literally hurts my heart to watch. I wish I could get them for you :( BUT if it means that you're going to be healthy than shots it is! You are also such a healthy little boy, your never sick, your eczema cleared up off your little belly, and your ahead of things in terms of motor skills and how great you walk. Good job big boy! I'm proud of you! You're off the charts already, and I'm not surprised. The nurse said when giving you your shots your the strongest 1 year old she ever met because you kept kicking her and pushing off of her. It made watching the whole shot process that much worse because you were fighting it. I guess you have a little stubborn streak- I wonder who you get that from?! Must be your daddy ;)

In other Gaveygavva news you...
  • Say: Bye Bye, Dadda, Momma, Uh-Oh, Boo!, ball, cat, nana, Done!, more, no!and I swear youre always saying "What's that!" but I could be wrong. That is what it sounds like though...I guess we'll see.
  • You LOVE LOVE LOVE Yo Gabba Gabba. Like seriously whenever you get a little whiny we just turn it on and all you have to do is see DJ Lance's orange hat go across the screen and you start laughing, marching and dancing and clapping. I think you think it's your own private show...speaking of which. If you Gabba Gabba ever comes to town we're there! Apparently gone are the days I'm dying to get Britney tickets. Ha
  • You run. Like literally RUN around the house and want us to chase you. It's fun at home but to be honest I wish you wouldn't do it in public because I'm paranoid of losing you or someone kidnapping you. I've heard too many scary stories. Like the one the other day in Holt...Ahhh. People are so terrible.
  • You love gram! Seriously it melts my heart. I think I mentioned this before but Gav it's the sweetest thing ever. We went home to NY last week and you would always tilt your head to the side and just smile at her and then run up and give her a little hug. Thank you Gav, you have no idea how much that means to her and me :)
  • You are obsessed with hugging your stuffed animals and the cats. But you kind of hug head butt them. You crouch down and then rest your head on them. So cute! I need to get a picture. You also are so good at petting the cats now, you look at us and pet them so gently. Don't get too attached though, your mom and dad are secretly hoping they run away or we can get rid of them soon. Shhhh!
  • You love going outside to play. Literally all I have to do is say Gavey want to go outside? And you grab your ball, go to the sliding glass door and pull on the handle. Smarty pants.
  • You also love to play peek a boo with your hands now. So cute! You will do it out of nowhere and put your little hands over your face sometimes foreverrr and then pull them away and yell Boo! Ha it makes me laugh everytime. Although I think sometimes you get mixed up and you cover your head and then yell Boo! That makes me laugh even harder ;)
  • You eat like a big boy. We've gotten rid of the bottle except for your night time bottle and thats just because I don't know what else to put it in...I guess we could cut the bottle out all together but to be honest we love our night time cuddles and rocking you. It's the longest you'll sit still and let us hold you. Aww if it was up to me we'd be rocking you asleep with a bottle until your 18.
  • Your carseat is now front facing! WOO Hoo! We think you hate it though because now we're always turning around looking at you. Before you were kind of in your own little world and could choose whether or not to look at us in the mirror. Now you have no choice, we're always turning around and staring. It makes our life easier because we can hand you snacks, pick up your sippy, and play boo so easy.
  • You had your first all night party the other night at Val and Brians. We spent the night at their house on the way to NY and you were up until 1:30 partying like a rock star. Ahhh! But the good thing is you slept most of the way to NY and then took a long nap once we got to grams. You also were a little scared of Charlie but I would be too if something kept jumping on me and knocking me down. Sorry Charrrlie.
  • You are ALWAYS running our dishes through the dishwasher. We never know if we washed them or if you clicked the button but half the time we open it and the dishes are "clean". So then we end up washing them again. You also move the dial and set the timer so out of nowhere it will start running. I guess we need to watch you like a hawk. You try to get the stove but we get you everytime. Sneaky pants.
I guess that's it in the world of Gavin. By that's it I mean I just wrote down pretty much every detail of your life. Ha. I apparently got on a blogging roll. In the world of your mom and dad, we have an offer on our house. This brings so many mixed feelings. Ugh. Do we accept it? What should we counter? Do we want to move to Holt, Okemos, Williamston or stay in DeWitt? DeWitt has such a great school district we love the town but most of our friends are in the Holt area...Mason is nice too but there isn't a lot of houses in the market out there. Such a big desicions so we're saying lots of prayers that we make the right one. It will work out I'm sure We're not in a huge hurry to sell so our biggest thing is we don't want to lose money on our house and then we'll be fine. I guess we'll wait and see what happens. The biggest thing is figuring out where to move to...I don't want to regret moving to one town when we should've just stayed here. Big desicions up ahead. Yikes. I'm sure we'll be happy wherever we move, and regardless we'll be in a bigger house with more room for Gavey to play and more room for us to live. Perfect! Granted we really love our house now. Ahh we need to learn not to be so wishy washy! Ha. I doubt that will ever happen.

Alright. Its 8:30 and Gavey still isn't up yet...We need to make a quick trip to the gym and then come home so I can get ready for my presentation tonight. Thankfully Carly saved the day and is coming over at 1:00 to watch you until your dad gets home. Whew! Another reason why I love DeWitt. We have the best babysitter we could ask for. What to do what to do...

I'll add pics later. I hope! :)

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