Friday, March 30, 2012

Let's get this weekend starrrrrrted

Can I just say I'm so excited the weekend is here! Finally! Well it will begin the minute I can walk away from the conference I'm working at. I'm ready to pack up my bags and get home.  It's kind of funny because our table is set up directly in between the desert tables and everyone keeps sneaking out to grab a desert but they look at me for permission! I can't tell you how many people I've had to tell to live a litle or treat themselves! Ha! It's interrupting with this very important blog that I'm writing. The nice thing about being here is I've been able to do all my expense reports (2000.00 worth- Ahh! I'm the worst. Hands down. The worst!)...clearly I haven't done them in a few months! Shh! AND I got all my follow up done for the week and e-mails caught up. Plus I got to do it with one of my favorite people ever- Kelly! We had a nice dinner at Troppos the other night complete with yummmmy martinis! Love a fun girls night out :)

We have a very fun weekend coming up. Well minus tonight but I have to say I'm REALLY looknig forward to tonight. We're going to stay in, clean the house and do laundry! HA! What has my life turned into?! Our goal is to get everything done tonoight so we the rest of the weekend is easy peasy. Tomorrow I think we'll hit up the mall and tomorrow night DATE NIGHT What what?! Carly is babysitting who Gavey loves and who we love because we can go out without worrying. Brybear wants to do dinner and the Lorax, this girl wants to do dinner and a night out :) Although the Lorax does sound fun! Ha! We are apparently regressing.

We're still not sure where we want to live. DeWItt?! Holt?! Mason?! What?? Ahhh. It's kind of fun because we're in a good position where we can just take our time until we find exactly what we want. The hard part is narrowing down WHERE we want to live. DeWitt is such a nice town, great schools, and comfortable, but all of our friends live like 20 minutes from here. Maybe they all just need to move to DeWItt?! Perfect solution.

What's new with the Mr. Gaverson Godiva?!

Gavey you are going to be 1 in a little over a week!!! WOO HOO! Big boy! You're nothing but fun, and I'm loving every single moment with you. Work is in it's busy mode but the minute I pick you up to the minute you go to bed we enjoy every second. You are quite the little soccer star, you love kicking the ball up and down the living room, and up and down the living room. It's so fun to watch! You also LOVE to laugh! you do something and literally crack up and then look at me and crack up again! Ha! I'm smiling just thinking about it. You're such a happy little guy I can't help but be happy when we're hanging around and chilling. You're so awesome and I love you so much!! You also are getting very good at waving and saying "Bye bye" AH! Adorable! You are offiically off formula which is so nice. Although I'm dense and didn't realize that Vitamin D and whole milk are the same thing! So you my friend have been drinking organic whole milk like no one's business. Although now I don't know if I want to switch you, with all of these food scares I really dont' know what to do. Ah! I need to educate myself a little bit more so I know what I'm talking about and putting into our bodies. It can be kind of scarey. Yikes! You are obsessed with waffles which make breakfast SO easy! You sit there eat it, drink your water and we're done! Perfecft! Quick and easy- my favorite :) Your newest trick is pushing anything that you can get your little hands on, up against the bookshelf and standing on it to reach the higher shelves! You also pushed it against the blanket basket, climbed on top of the laundry basket to the blanket basket to the entertainment center! Gavey! Alhough we probably made it seem like it's a good thing to do since we smiled, laughed and took pictures the whole time! Oops! We need to work on that! If only when we laughed it meant you were doing something wrong! Ha! We'd be set

Ok this is random. Nothing like a good conference to help carve out time to blog. Woo hoo! Ok I think it's time to bounce everyone else is packing up and I'm sitting here typing like a creep.

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