Monday, November 28, 2011

Your First Thanksgiving Gavey Boo!

Honestly I haven't really been in the "blogging" mood lately. I should be because I feel like you've done so many little milestones lately and I'm slacking, but ughhh Gavin I just don't have it in my lately. Although now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, at this rate it will be Christmas before I write anything again. Yikes. I'm the worst.

We had the best Thanksgiving ever at home with Grams, and the family. You ate sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and then more sweet potatoes :) Mom wasn't on top of things so I packed tons of sweet potato baby foods, and a couple other things. Then when we ran out because again Mom wasn't on top of things, we had sweet potatoes at your Aunts and Uncle's for Thanksgiving and then again at gram's house. If I wake up tomorrow and you're orange, we'll know why. Oops! We also didn't get any pictures! We need to because you had the cutest "My First Thanksgiving" shirt with a little turkey on it. I just might have to dress you up in this again and take your pic. Ok it's decided. Thats what I'm going to do. If I remember.

Like Father Like Son. Ha

You're my little walker! Ok well maybe not walker since you still prefer crawling over walking, but you can do it at least :)You like walking around everything holding on to it, and then when that doesn't work you'll either take a couple steps or crawl like a crazy man.

We've had the most fun ever playing catch. I swear. Mark my words. You're going to be a little athlete. You love throwing a ball at me, and then I throw it back and we play over and over again. Then you crawl away, find a new toy. And we play catch with that over and over again. Funny little guy!

Throwing it to you
Wait for it...Wait for it...
I have to say I was a little nervous to take you back to New York now that you're a man on the move. Constant move! Ha. Everyone was saying they couldn't beleive you were only 7 months because you were into EVERYTHING Mr. All Boy. I'm actually a little thankful for it because you're keeping me on my toes, which honestly is probably not a bad thing :) We had such a good time spending it with the family. The night before Thanksgiving, you stayed over night at Brian and Tricia's with a new babysitter! You were SOOO good! You ate your food, drank your bottle, and then I got a text that you laid in your back in play, rolled over, and popped your butt in the air. Ha. That's my cuddle monkey.I was nervous you were going to have a tough time but you adapted, and I'm so happy! Your mom and dad had the best night out with our friends, and then I regretted our 2:00 night out the next day when you were ready to hang at 7. Ughhhh. You confirmed that we will be getting a sitter our next night out, and they'll keep you over night. Or i guess we could learn to be more responsible at not stay out so late?! :) That would probably be the right answer.

On the way home we got to stop in Cleveland and see Val. We had a great time because we love seeing our favorite little Val, except she hit your head at the restaurant on a light, and then you spilled my mimosa. I forgive you, although I could have used it after your dad made us stop 1993239 times between Cleveland and Lansing. We didn't get home until way too late. I was a little crabby, but you my friend were so happy to be home. We let you stay up late because you were having so much fun crawling around and playing. It was so cute, and we were heartbroken taking you to daycare today. You seemed so happy at home with us.

Oh and you have your 1st tooth!!! It's sharp, and you love to feel it with your tongue. I have a feeling tooth 2 will be here in the morning. You've been a drooling little bear so let's hope it gets here and as painlessly as possible :)

And the last big news is you've graduated from your infant seat! You're getting way to big to scrunch in their so thanks to your mom (and not so much your dad) you'll be sitting in your Cowmoflouge seat in no time! I'm normally not a fan of Cow Print, but seriously it's so adorable. If it was up to your dad you would have been in the black Britax, but thanks to your mom, you'll have some style, and it will be stimulating. Haha. Ok maybe that was my way to convince him you needed it?! :)

Bye Bye Chicco!

Alright. Here's to your Thanksgiving Post. Kind of boring. Can we blame it on the Nyquil?! Ughhh get me over this cold. But it's done. Your cousin Alexa should be happy now :)

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