Wow. 8 months. I'm so glad that my previous comments are still true- it just gets better and better! You are so awesome little Gavey and I can't believe you're already 8 months old! I have a feeling we'll be celebrating your 1st Birthday before we know it!! Ahhh! I don't know if I'm ready for that yet?! If the next 8 motnhs is anything like the last 8 months (Ok well lets minus your first 3 months because that was a rough time) BUT it's just giong to keep getting better!! Or so I hope! :)
Ok so any new milestons this month?!
- You love making this gasping noise which freaks me out but then you laugh everytime you do it. Orrr if we do it back you will keep doing it. It's a fun little game until your mom calls the Dentist office, puts the phone down because she forgot she called, and continues to say nothing but make gasping sounds to you until I hear, "HELLO?! HELLO? MAM ARE YOU THERE? ARE YOU OK???" Ahhhh. So I did what any normal person would do. I hung up. Ha. I think I need to find a new dentist or teach you a new trick that doesn't involve gasping sounds.
- You can take steps but you much rather crawl. You will crawl so fast and put your head down that you will wipe out and then get back up and keep going. Although you do love walking around the furniture You chase the cats from one end to another and then grab fistfulls of their fur. Keep pulling maybe they will start to look slimmer because I swear they've both became little furry blobs that just lay around. You keep them on their toes Gavman.
Before. |
After. |
Your Next. |
- You can say DaDa. It's official. Dada is your first word. We thought it was a fluke a few weeks ago but now you say it whenever you see your dad. This makes me feel 50/50. 50 percent of me is so happy for you, especially becaus it melts your dad's heart but the other selfish 50 percent of me just wants you to look at me and say MOMMA. MoMMA. Come on Gav you can do it!
Waiting by the door like I do every night for dad to get home |
- Your mom's Dr is one of dad's customers and he came in today and told your dad that you're so advanced for your age and that you're going to be a little genius, we need to watch out....This is great news, but I'm still pulling for you to be a professional athlete so we can hang out with Chauncey Billups, Lamar Odom (which also means Khloe Kardashian) and we can't forget Tebow. Ok I'm hopping on the Tebow band wagon. I will stop.
Running Laps. |
- Ok so in very personal news, we had to take you to Urgent Care becacuse you had a really bad rash that welted up all over your body. Thankfully I took a picture of it and sent it to Laura and Neena who told me to take you right to urgent care. Your parents are clearly not genuiuses bc we thought it was eczema and we were going to put you in your jammies and tuck you in to bed. Welllll we went to Urgent Care since your Dr was closed and found out that you had a little reaction and we had to put you on oral steroids. That's not the personal part and that's since cleared up. The CRAZY story is, Gavin!! Your circumsicion reaatched (and I'm sorry but I always thought your little peepers looked a bit ummm well different). Anyways, they asked me to check your diaper to see if the rash was there and they made the discovery. Ahhh. They basically recircumsized you right there on the table. Ughhh. I'm so sorry GaveyGavs. I felt horrible and I got choked up because you turned red, and screamecd with tears running down your face. In brighter news, it will now look normal and your wife will thank me. Gross. I'm somewhat creeped out I just wrote that.
- You weigh 21.6 lbs and I think you're 26 or 28 inches long. You're in the 80's percentile for height and weight but I'll have to go back through and double check
- You feed yourself your star puffs which you LOVE, you seriously can't get enough of them, and I love them because they keep you entertained now, and you love the baby cheese puffs. Although I'm starting to wonder if I want to give those to you...they're a weird orange that just seems so processed. Yes. I'm turning into that mom. Go figure. Ha
Yummm Yogurt Melts!! |
- You're officially out of your baby infant seat. Although the big boy seat is kind of a pain because you stand up in it and fight being strapped in. It's a job getting you in it and the way you scream when I try to buckle you in, I now shut the doors because it sounds like I'm hurting you. Actually when we drove home from urgent care I didn't buckly you in but held you because I felt so bad. Granted everyone I tell this story too gets a little freaked out, so I shouldn't be admitting it. BUT someday you'll look back and maybe think I'm somewhat BA for this move. Or kind of dumb because it's probably not too safe...Oops. I didn' tthink of that until after. I just wanted to hold and snuggle you close.
Not only do I have a big boy car seat. but I now live in a gated house |
Not a fan of this carseat. Or any carseat for that matter. |
Ok I think that's all for now. Your dad is done running on the treadmill and I'm ready to go back upstairs. I told him I"d come down and keep him company but I've been giving him one word answers and not talking so I could get this done. Maybe I'm slightly bitter and jealous bc I had to take the week off from working out due to pneumonia AGAIN! I think Neena is right and I need to go get the pneumonia shot. Which exists. It's not just a joke which I totally thought it was :)
You're fast asleep and ready for a very exciting week! Thursday we're spending the night in Ann Arbor and seeing our favorite Val, and Friday we leave for New York and we'll get back Monday. Woooo Hooo!! So can't wait! Family Christmas Number 1! I bought a few presents for you today and I can't wait to watch you open them. Then again you were with me when I got them, but that's the nice thing about this age :) Either that or you will care less about all of your gifts and eat the paper. Which still is your favorite thing to eat. Hands down.
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