Well, I survived the week! After Monday, I wasn't so sure?! The sad thing is I spent so much time complaining about me I didn't even write anything about Gaveybear. So Gav- this one is for you!
- You had your 4 month check up last week, and you my friend are one tall boy! You're 26 inches long putting you in the 95th percentile, and 16lbs 1 oz making you in the 75th percentile with your weight. The whole time I was pregnant my OB would comment on how tall you were, and that it must be because your daddy is so tall. Which to me is funny b/c 1- how could they really tell your height. I mean I guess they can and they were right one. and 2. Your dad isn't that tall. Shhh! Don't tell him. I think he felt cool when the Dr. told him that.

- You are no longer able to be left alone for a few seconds when I'm trying to make coffee and check e-mails in the morning. You arch your back and try to scootch out of your swing and your bouncy. Thankfully the toy makers realize this and that's what those little straps are created for. You hate being buckled in, but come on Gav it's either that or you're going to fall out and hurt your cute little self. BUT you do LOVE your baby Einstein! You will stand and bounce in it for such a long time. Which is nice because the music isn't obnoxious so you just bounce, laugh and concentrate your day away. Thank you Mr,. Einstein for this creation!

- You now not only roll from your front to back which you mastered weeks ago, but you rolled from back to front last night like it was a piece of cake! So no more waking us up because you flipped onto your back in the night, and need us to flip you back over k?! Deal?? Ha. For some reason I don't think it will be. Thankfully we just need to roll you back over and then you're out.
- You're starting to go through a daddy phase, which may or may not be making me a little sad. I was telling Grandma Jan this at the gym, and she gave your dad the best compliment! She said she always is telling people what a great daddy he is. That she can tell how much he loves you and how proud he is of you in the few times he's seen your dad and you together. So sweet! What's not so sweet is when your dad was gone helping Nate and Neena tile their floors, you would wake up in the middle of the night (which is what happens when he doesn't get home until 1- bryan!! Ha!). Anyways, I would try and cuddle you and you'd cry, then your dad would take you and you'd be fine. Stinker pants. Speaking of your girlfriend's parents, you decided to steal her paci and you have no shame with all the pink and hearts. I'll let this slide this time, but if you ever grab for dolls, barbies, or want to be a dancer I won't allow it.
- You also spent the night at papa and gram's this week and did such a great job! You slept through the night even though you were in a new place, were full of smiles, and got to see the gold fish in papa's pond and watch the birds in the feeders. You're so alert and you don't miss a thing. You're now hanging out with them at our house so mom can get work done, and so me and your dad can have a night out tonight without taking bottles, formula, diapers and wipeys with us. Woo hoo!
- You went to daycare this week for the first time, and I think (HOPE!) You loved it. It wasn't as hard as I thoguht it would be for me since I'vebeen so busy, but by the end of the day I can't get there fast enough. You smiled at everyone when you left so that means you like it right? Please say yes. You're also SO cuddly when I pick you up. You come home and snuggle with me and then take a little nap. They must tire you out ha Gavey Gav? So tired ater your first day!!
- I love you so much Gavin. I truly enjoy everything about you, and I'm so proud to be your mom handsome baby boo.
- PS this was MUCH more positive than my last one. Let's disregard that crappppy day. I'm sure Schmesh would like to forget about it just as much as me. The poor thing used to pride herself on her looks and now she's a hot mess.
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