Monday, August 15, 2011

I hate today

Really it's only 10:33 and I think today is one of the roughest days I've had in a long time :( I should probably be working but I'm hoping if I write everything out I'll feel better. Here's to hoping!
So this weekend was great with Bry and Gav. We got to spend a ton of time together as a little family and I enjoyed every minute! I'm feeling better already! :) Thennn last night came. We gave Gav a bottle, rocked him to sleep then laid him in his pack and play that's in the living room bc I didn't feel like putting him in his crib yet. I was just lazy and felt like relaxing still. He normally just falls right asleep without a problem after I put him in it. Not last night. He would freak out every time I tried putting him in his crib. I'd pick him up, and he'd literally fall right back asleep. I'd wait a little and do it again- and he'd cry!! Then I had Bryan do it, and the same thing happened, yet the minute we picked him up he would basically go limp in our arms and fall asleep. It was around midnight so I decided to let him sleep in his pack and play, and stop fighting it. So I slept on my couch and slept terribly.
I then had to get him up at 7, and get him ready for his first day at daycare. My car is at the Subaru dealership so I had to run him to daycare quickly, run back to get Bryan, take Bryan to work, then take our cat Schemsh to the vet. Thankfully our daycare is 3 minutes from our house so that was quick and less painful than I thought it'd be. I held him to hug and kiss him by and when Norma (his daycare lady) came up to him he smiled and reached out for her. Thanks Gav...I should be happy he's happy to be there. But I'm not. I'm mad. I wanted him to miss me more but whatever. I'm just crabby. and I miss hijm. I feel like I'm missing something. We've been basically inseperable for just over 4 months. But anyways, I'm sure it will get easier. I hope!

Then I take Schmesh to the vet. She apparently got bit by a bug, and dug at her ear so much it caused a blood hematoma and ear infection. Not to mention the fact she has a cold. I thought they would drain it, give us meds and we'd be out the door as happy as can be. NOPE. She needs surgery, and has to stay and it will cost us around 530.00. Are you kidding me?! She's like 14 or 15. Putting that much money into a cat is rediculous but what else am I going to do?! Make her be uncomfortable and hate life. My gram told me to put her down but I wuldn't be able to handle that. Plus I felt pressured being there by myself. So surgery it is. This cat better last anther 10 years. Ugh. I just think of all the clothes I could have bought, or money we could have put in Gav's savings account. Oh well. I'll make Bryan pick her up and pay for it so I can pretend it never happened.

Then I come to Panera, ready to get to work so I can sit here unitterupted for a few hours and get all my work out of the way. Well I'm sitting in my car on my phone for awhile because I was talking to Val and then Jason, and I get off the phone raedy to go in and work and I can't find my license or debit card anywhere!! It's not in my wallet. I took these out at the vet appt and put in my pocket so I didn't have to carry the cat carrier and my big bag. So I searched the whole car and couldn't find it. Thankfully I have a credit card with me so I can actually order but seriously?! Ugh. I called the vet and she just called me back and said it was in the driveway. Whew!! So that's a positive.

I also ordered my panera and forgot to order my coffee and I think the girl could tell I was crying so she said here, don't worry about it. Something small but it was really nice and needed today.

Ok now time to get to work. I have 2 lonnnng pages of things I need to do to get ready for work to pick up. I need to relax and focus and I'm sure I"ll feel better when all is said and done. And seriously if this cat doesn't live for another few years, I want a refund. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh!!! You poor thing. I can't believe all of that happened by mid-morning! Did writing it all down make you feel better?
    Good news: tomorrow is FRIDAY! :-)
    Hope you're having a great day today, Dorelle!
