Coming home and seeing my hubsters and my Gav after 4 days!! Gavin starting squealing and laughing and kicking the minute he saw me. Seriously it make me smile just thinking about it. He wouldn't let go of me and just stared and smiled. It melted my heart and I'm sitting here smiling just thinking about it! It really was the best feeling ever. Maybe I should go away on trips more often?! Ha. Kidding. Although I should admit I've spent the last hour googling all inclusive resorts in the Carribean! We're going somewhere fun next May or June, but we can't figure out where?? I just need something to help get me through this next selling season, and I think a va-ca is just the thing! Plus it gets me that much more motivation to get my booty to the gym. Although the thought of leaving Gav without his mom AND his dad for a whole week sounds so terrible and sad. But I need to get used to it since I have to go 2 times a year to sales meetings anyways. Our next one in January is in San Diego and I already can't wait! I think I just might have to go a day or two early or stay late. I've never been there before, although I know the time difference will suck.
My meeting went really well. I missed my boys terribly, but it was good to hang out with people I only see a couple times of year. I ate great food, drank too many drinks, and learned all that there is to know about textbooks, mylabs, and selling. Woo Hoo. Talk about fun times?! :)

I also FINALLY got my hair cut today. Wow talk about long over due. I left Gav with our friend Neena so I could just go and relax. This was the first time he was with anyone other than his grandparents without us and he did great!! He slept there, and smiled and had the time of his life. Either that or Neen is just telling me this but, he seemed like a happy little bear cub when I went to pick him up. He then proceeded to scream the whole way home. Thanks a lot Gav Gav. I broke down and got 3 cute little feather extensions in my hair...Although they blend in so well I'm not sure if it's even noticable. Maybe it will be when I wash my hair and make it look normal. Right now it's allll curly. My girl always curls it like crazy before I leave, and never lets me see it until she's done. I want it just straight, but she likes to make me "look like one hot momma" those are her words! Ha! I'm not too sure what I think of these but for now it works. Maybe I'll take a pic and put it up later. Speaking of which, I've been meaning to add pics to my last few posts...I should do that. Sometime.
Then my last big news is- Gavey Gav has God parents now! Is that what you call it?! I mean if something happens to Bryan and I both, he has a wonderful family that will take him in and raise him. Wow what a relief. I mean heaven forbid anything happen to us and I pray to God nothing does, but it's a relief knowing if for some crazy terrible reason something does happen to us, Gavin will be taken care of. I hope our families understand, but we spent a lot of time thinking, and praying about where we'd want him to go. The people who are going to take care of him we have so much respect for and we love so much. They have kids that Gavin already spends so much time with, and they seem like family to us as cheesy as that sounds. Gavin you are so very loved, by so many people. If something did happen to us, which I hope like I said it never does, know that your dad and I want you to be raised by two of the best people we know because we know you'll be in good hands. Your future is SO important to us, and I've been stressing about this for so long, I'm glad we came to a desicion and they agreed. It's so creepy even writing this (ha maybe I'm just morbid?! Yikes!) but, I just want you to know that this was a big deal to try and figure out and we have such peace about this. I love you Gavey Gav and you're so lucky to have SO many people who love you so much too!! Whatta special little booga boogs you are!!
I guess in other Gav news...what else have you been doing that's new?! You love grabbing your feet, inching all over the place!! You can no longer just hang out on your play mat because you end up across the floor with rug burn on your face (oops!!), You love pulling my hair out of my head, squealing, trying to put your feet in your mouth, and sitting on your booty and trying to reach everything in front of you. You can also stand with me hardly holding you and sit up with my hand sitting on your back. Strong little boy!! We go next week for your 4 month appt and I can't wait to see how much you weigh, Mr I wear 9 month sleepers to bed at night :( Stop growing, I have so many more outfits for you to wear!! Well I guess keep growing bc I don't want you to be a little person your whole life.
Ok that's it for now. Time to stop being anti-social and hang out with the fam. SOOO good to be home and just chilling! Love it!