- You had your Dr. Appt this week you're in the 75th percentile for weight and 97th for height. What a big kid we have on our hands!! You had to get 2 shots which always makes me SO sad but you did great and took it like such a champ! We got a sticker on the way out the door and you were so proud of it!! Good job baby boo!
- Your right eye is starting to turn in slightly towards your nose so we have to take you to a specialist in the next few months. I just made your appt but I have to say I'm a little nervous. Thankfully it's not noticable at all so I'm hoping since we're catching it so early you'll be fixed up in no time. Although I think you're perfect and wonderful not matter what!
- You spent your first WEEK without both mommy and daddy! We lived it up in Riviera Maya while you got to hang out with papa and grandma at our house. They were so wonderful and stayed in our house so you could be where you were most comfortable. Thaknfully we were able to Skype all week which made it easier for us, although you couldn't figure out where we were. When you saw us for the first time after we got home you ran around screaming and smiling. It was the best feeling ever. Since then we're not able to sneak out of your site but you know what, I'm a-ok with that!
- We successfully threw your dad a SURPRISE 30th bday party in June. It was the weekend before his birthday and we rounded up 20 of our friends and I rented out a suite at Lugnuts stadium. He had no clue and I even got him a little choked up a few times. Best wife and mommy everrr right here! It was So hard not saying a word since I've been planning this for MONTHS but I pulled it off!! Now I can't wait to see what he does for my 30th bday next year. Although I might be in a ball crying since I'll be leaving my 20s...ugh. Speaking of which I really need to make a 30 before 30 bucket list.
- You're quite the chit chatter- Hi, Bye, Uh-Oh (your fav!), No (your other fav!), Weeee, Cat, Ball, Up, Down, Done, Momma, dadda, Oh Wow, Dog, Duck, and I think there are more but that's all I can think of for now...
- You love reading books. Your favorite is the little cats and dog book you have, and we are now in the tradition of reading your little bible that Ken and Cindy gave you. It's so fun and you love it so much. Perfect little night time tradition.
- Our house is still on the market. LOTS of showing, one offer that we rejected, and that's about where it stands. I'm ready to sell it only because I'm sick of cleaning so if it's not sold by the end of August we'll take it off. I really am kind of whatever about the situation. If we sell great, if not we will eventually so I'm not too anxious. Just sick of cleaning like a crazy person. (although it prob is a good thing?!)
- Your fav show is STILL Yo Gabba Gabba. We were watching at night until you decided you would be a trickster and wake up in the middle of the night for a week straight SCREAMING and nothing would settle you down until we sat on the couch with you and watched Yo Gabba Gabba. Then you stopped, smiled and had the time of your life. Until we turned it off. Stinker pants. So I'm trying to put an end to it...except when I'm trying to clean or do e-mails. Then I turn it on and let you watch it as long as I need you to :)
- We just drove ALL the way to New York, just you and me and you did so great!! You literally cried less than 10 minutes the WHOLE trip and that was just a little whining before you fell asleep. I couldn't be prouder of you and although I was a wreck the whole time driving, I have to say it was kind of fun. It was our little time together and I appreciate it. Now we just need to get through Sunday just you and me and the family while we're home and we'll count this a VERY successful trip. We did get to hang out with Kara and Caleb today and Brian, Tricia and Carrie tonight, so I think we have a fun weekend in store. I just need to make sure I get my run in Mr. get up at 6:00 RIGHT when I'm about to go out the door and hit the road.
- We still need a daycare. I'm in daycare denial and I need to snap out of it before everything is full and I'm out of luck :( That will be the first thing I do when I get back next week...maybe.
Alright so this was a quick update. I'll elaborate on things later but I want to take a quick shower before you my little babykins wakes up and we go hang out with Carebear. Woo hoo!! Fun Fun day!