Love You Gavey Boo |
Seriously, talk about such a great Christmas back home in New York with my family!! Although the last few days have been a complete whirlwind, AND I probably gained at least 1000 lbs AND Schmesh and Chig are mad at us for leaving- it was all worth it!
We left Thursday night for a night out in Ann Arbor. I met my District there and we had dinner at Gratzi's where I had the best filet ever- anything that is on top of a portabello mushroom and goat cheese is A-ok in my book! The Poma Martini's weren't tasting too bad either :) We then went to a Comedy Club and ended the night at a martini bar. So much fun! I work with the best people ever, and my manager is great- Coach purses for the girls, and Tumi wallet clips for the guy. She knows how to shop! Ha. I also have the best hubsters ever, who came with, and entertained Gavin all night in the hotel room. We stayed at the Dahlman Campus Inn which is nice but the rooms aren't ever big enough when you have an 8 month old on the go. They walked around Ann Arbor, ordered room service and were tucked away in bed by 9:00. Good job Big Daddy!! He did this all so I wouldn't have to drive back to DeWitt the next morning, and then pack up to leave for New York, it saved me a trip and saved us some time- esp when we didn't get started for NY until 10 the next morning. Oops! I needed a little sleep after being out until 2- yikes! I'm too old for this nonsense :)
Thennn we spent the last few days at home. So great! Gavey- you did so amazing!! You traveled in the car really well- I think you did better than your momma who was a little exhausted and crabby :) The first thing you did when you saw your gram was give her the biggest smile- hands down it was the sweetest thing I ever saw in my life. You love your gram so much and you remember being there just a few weeks ago- you could so tell, and I loved everything about it. We spent our first day home just relaxing, and I took an amazing nap. Thennn the next day we went to Altons by the Galleria where we had the BEST Chicken Finger Subs, and Pizza Logs. Seriously the two things I miss the most besides friends and family! Ok that and Jim's Steak Out at 4 in the morning. We'll save those stories for when you have kids because I don't want you to get any ideas Mr. Anyways gram had lamp chops, which I think are so gross, but we ate up and then came back home. We got the house ready for Christmas, and watched Christmas movies and called it a night. Perfect! Sunday morning, we celebrated Christmas, and your dad and I went to Wayne's church and got to see him and Julie. It was so great, and you sat through the whole thing like such a champ. Although you were flirting with several of the ladies behind us. Mr. Roll told us we better watch it, you were really flirting with his wife. Ha. Oooh you're a little mr ladies man already. We came home, and then the family came for our traditional lasagna dinner, garlic bread, antipasti, and daddy's cookies- well in your case grandpa's cookies. You were a little spoiled with the clothes, and toys that you got but you didn't care because all you watned to do was eat the paper, and climb the stairs. Gram did something SO special this year...Saturday night she brought out all of her jewelry, and we went through every piece. She then divided it up among all 25 of us and thoughtfully considered who should get it. It was so special and I'm going to cherish every peice she gave me. I have her baby bracelet, several necklaces, and a gorgeous diamond antique wedding ring that was her mothers. It's stunning and I'm so honored she gave it to me. I wanted hers, but she couldn't find it in the safe...So hope she didn't lose it :( She also gave me a few rings and earrings, and a couple pins she would wear. Beth had the best idea since we don't wear pins anymore to take it to a jeweler and have the stones made into a ring or neckalce- love it and I might have to do just that. From everyone else we got cookies, gourmet coffee, gift cards, and and a gorgeous jewelry box that my Aunt and Uncle gave me. Love it and much needed especially after gram gave us so much. When everyone left we cleaned up and then literally collapsed- we were so exhausted!! You did a great job on our way home too- you slept like the WHOLE way! When you weren't sleeping you just talked to yourself, played with your books and watched out the window. What a good little guy you are!!
A few new things in the world of Gav-
- You say MumMum!! FINALLY! Not just dadada. We first heard it when they were passing you around the breakfast table and you looked around for me, and say MuummmMummm! Awww! Sweet baby! You did it!
- You are SO obsessed with throwing things. You actually have a little arm on you, mr strong man. Your aunt and uncle bought you a little toy story ball and you made us play catch and roll it back to you over. and over. and over.
- You can drink out of a sippy cup and you're obsessed with it. Although I don't like you drinking out of it unless I'm right there because you start to play and tip it upside and then splash the water everywhere.
- You ate jello, cottage cheese, and ice cream this weekend and loved every bite.
- You discovered gram's stairs and had to try and climb up them every chance you had. Speaking of which, when we got home I thought your dad was watching you, he thought I was watching you, and next thing I know I heard you laughing to yourself in the upstairs bathroom! Apparently you seized the moment, climbed up the stairs in a matter of seconds and made your way into the bathroom.
- You love splashing all of the water out of the tub. Ok well not all of it, but if you could you would. I hate giving you baths now because I get soaked and you just laugh. Thanks.
- The cats officially don't like you. No offence. I think they used to tolerate you, now they hiss and run. Even after not seeing us for a few days. I think you scarred them.
- You now not only push your little walker up and down the living room, you get going so fast it looks like your taking little running steps. We'll be running the streets of DeWitt in no time Gav! Your dad better step up his game or he's not going to be able to keep up!
I think that's it for now? We're celebrating next weekend with dad's family in Mt. P with your cousins and we can't wait! Until then I will be making the rounds and scrounging for every dollar I can to make my number this year. In that respect, I miss last year. This time of year was so not stressful, the biggest stress in my life was finding a maternity dress to wear to our awards night.
Hanging with Daddy |
Trying to fit as many in your mouth as you can. |
Smarty Pants drinking from Mr. Sippy |
Love my Family |
Snuggling with my BFF.
PS Don't mind the greasy hair. Just had a facial and massage so I'm a bit shiny! Yikes!! |
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