Thursday, November 10, 2011

HAPPY 7 Month Bday Baby Boy!

Geeze Gav! 7 months?! That's wayyy too crazy! I seriously cannot believe that time is going by THIS quickly. I used to get so sad at the thought of you getting older but, honestly I'm not as sad as I used to be about it. Why is that?! Because every little stage gets better and better. We have so much fun together now as a family. You're so sweet, funny, and laugh at everything. I can see you starting to become this crazy little active boy and I love every thing about it! Now let's move on to the highlights from this last month, k?!

  • You are SOOO freakinggg fast!! You crawl everywhere, under things, over things, through things. You're always on the move. Your favorite game is throwing your ball and chasing after it, and throwing it so it hits the wall, bounces off and then chase after it more. Cindy told me the other day you're ALL boy because you're moving constantly and you have a bad habit of crawling over to the kids when they're napping and crawling over them...They have to tell on you! Ha. Ohhh Gav. If that's the most trouble you ever get into I'll be one happy mom :)
  • You clap! You just started doing this a week ago but you love it. You are so proud of yourself everytime you do it. You crawl away, sit on your booty then clap and smile. It's one of my favorite things you do because you smile so big I can't help but smile so big right back! Can you do me a favor and not stare at me like I'm crazy when I start clapping back. You always stop and stare at me blankly.
  • You are now a pro peek-a-boo player! You used to just love when we would put something over your eyes and then pull it off. Now you're the one who covers your face up with your blanket and then quickly pulls it off. Then you put it up. Then down. Then up. Then down. Sometimes I think you could play this game all day long.
  • Youre in love with yogurt! Although I bought you the baby yogurt becacuse I was getting a little possessive over our yogurts. You also love pancakes, and you'd eat everything that we eat if we'd let you. You still have 8 oz every 3 hours during the day and cereal and baby food mixed together twice a day. You're so good at eating it now. I used to dread feeding you because it ended up everywhere. Now you eat it like a champ. Big boy! You're also SO good at eating paper. It's your favorite thing ever. While at the Dr's this week you ate about 20 pieces. You also think that mom's work folders taste phenomonal. Stop. You're not a goat.

  • You're "Crusing" as the Dr called it. You pull yourself up no problem, and can stand on your own for a few seconds before falling on your cutie patootie booty. You're crusing in the sense that you walk everywhere as long as you can hold on to furniture. You walk around the ottoman holding on with one hand and you go around. and around. and around. We think you're going to walk soon because you reach out for us when your standing and act like you're going to take a step but then you decide not now mom and dad and sit on the floor. What a little jokester you are!

  • You've REALLY found your voice. Now you talk and babble non-stop at daycare and at home. It's so sweet and so cute. I love it. I swear you say da-da but I know it's in my head. Although you do say it whenever you see your dad...hmm...Could you figure out how to say Ma-Ma.I'd love it! You love your daddy by the way...You two have the sweetest relationship and I love it!

  • You're still sleeping through the night, and teethless. Although you went through a week where you woke up 4-5 times a night! That was last week and I was ready to get used to the newborn schedule again. Thennn one night your mean parents let you cry it out from 12:00 midnight-2:30 am and then you never did it again. I think that means we won that battle huh Mr. Stubborn?
  • I can already tell you're very strong willed. You get your mind set on something and you get so mad if you can't do it or we take it away. You throw yourself on the floor, and kick your feet. You definitly have a temper and I pray that it goes away soon!! I don't want you to have my temper. Please no Gav...Be like your laid back daddy! K?!
  • You stayed with your first baby sitter ever 2 weekends ago while your mom and dad went out with the Lenon's for Halloween. You did so good! Plus she treats you like the little cutsey woots that you are so I think our search for the perfect local baby sitter is over! Whew! Your grandparents can breathe a sigh of relief that they won't have to make the trek out here a million times this winter because you need a sitter, thanks to Carly :)
I feel like I'm forgetting some things?! Oh well judging by the length of this, that could be highly unlikely! Ha. I'm a rambler. Get used to it my friend.

I love you so very much Gavin. You truly are the light of my life and you make me so happy. I was just talking to someone today that the feelings and love I have for you are undescribable until you have a child. We read the book Someday tonight, and it made me realize that I'm going to cherish every moment with you. You are so great and so much fun. I'm so blessed that you're mine and I am so thankful for you. Cheers to the next 7 babycakes! I love you!

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